Lovin' The Homestead
To be fair, broad breasted varieties raised on pasture taste significantly better than the store bought critters. They don't amount to the great taste of the Bourbon Reds and Narragansets I've raised, but they are still darn good birds.
There are three good arguments in favor of the BBW or BBB.
1. You are selling them and want to do so as efficiently as possible. The feed conversion rate of a BBW is right around that of the Cornish X, which is pretty amazing when you think about it.
2. You are selling them and you want a bird that more closely conforms to the uninitiated customer's expectations of body type.
3. You don't want to raise birds for 28 weeks in order to have a nice bird for your own table, or keep birds year round and hatch them out.
4. You want something that doesn't fly so you don't have to worry about escapes.
Wait, that's four. So four good arguments, I guess.
Not saying it's the best way to go, but they are valid reasons all, depending on your personal preferences and goals.
There are three good arguments in favor of the BBW or BBB.
1. You are selling them and want to do so as efficiently as possible. The feed conversion rate of a BBW is right around that of the Cornish X, which is pretty amazing when you think about it.
2. You are selling them and you want a bird that more closely conforms to the uninitiated customer's expectations of body type.
3. You don't want to raise birds for 28 weeks in order to have a nice bird for your own table, or keep birds year round and hatch them out.
4. You want something that doesn't fly so you don't have to worry about escapes.
Wait, that's four. So four good arguments, I guess.

Not saying it's the best way to go, but they are valid reasons all, depending on your personal preferences and goals.