Crazy Cat Lady
It's just that I've had that discussion already over on BYC last year or twosavingdogs said:Is there a stigma for mixing turkey breeds? people do it with chickens all the time.....

Also, to be fair, I think that a lot of heritage turkey breeds (oops, "varieties", there is another discussion I've had previously LOL) are, or have been until pretty recently, represented by only small populations compared to a lot of chicken breeds, thus it kind of *is* a loss to the breed to have someone lettin' em mix it up rather than keeping the breed pure and to-standard.
I'm not sure there is really a lot of multipurposing to be done with turkeys? I mean, either they're for pretty or they're for meat. I suppose you could divide meat into "tasty" versus "lots of", but other than that, <shrug>And it seems like a cross between the types would really be kind of better......I can see why one might want to have a more multipurpose bird.
So pretty much any crossing you do is just mucking up both gene pools and giving you back chaos. Still EDIBLE chaos, of course, and sometimes PRETTY chaos, but nothing that will breed true or be as meatily-conformed as your original meat-type breed.
(Although, I would like it if I ended up with a sort of rainbow assortment of mutt turkeys, no two alike... but I don't think that's all that realistic genetically, certainly not for a few generations and probably not at ALL if I'm only going to carry over one tom and a couple-few hens each winter.)