Hey who said anything about bars? I was thinking more about taverns, dragonlaurel this not about you and just a beers rant on the subject.dragonlaurel said:Trends run in families because they get their example of how to behave from each other. But if you live differently, you can find a mate that you'll be happy with.
Think about how alot of those people behave. You wouldn't want to spend your life like that. Your standards are different, so you actually have a good chance of ending up happy. And not behind bars.
Both my grandfather and father were were very violent in child up bringing and discipline by today's standards, not so much then in the 50s and 60s. But not a single one of his children ever did the same to their own children, I have never hit any of my boys and further yet never hit my dogs. The pseudo psychology of that thought can only play out so far or mankind wouldn't be here. Sorry for my diatribe but if what you say is true then why did all us kids get married 3 times when my folks are still happily married after 60 years and so were their parents.
Now Blackbird speaks of his aunts and uncles and if he is as intelligent as everyone purports will see that those people are just not right and strive even harder to not be like them, he will learn from past mistakes like all others before us by examples or his own misgivings. The warts of society will die out if we all shun them equally but giving children psychotropic drugs and releasing sexually disturbed people back into the wild will only exasperate the problem.