Out to pasture
Oh man, I just finished a lengthy reply about the status of my kitchen and the stupid computer froze up and it all got lost. 
The short of is, I'm with you all, or as my grandmother used to say: clean enough to be healthy, dirty enough to be happy!
I got cats, dog, chickens and the occasional rabbit in the house. People washing up in the kitchen, things on the counter that don't belong.
Hair cutting, barn shoes, fermenting stuff,compost, all of that happens in my kitchen.
Yet, I really like having my kitchen very clean, but I still woudn't pass an FDA inspection.

The short of is, I'm with you all, or as my grandmother used to say: clean enough to be healthy, dirty enough to be happy!
I got cats, dog, chickens and the occasional rabbit in the house. People washing up in the kitchen, things on the counter that don't belong.
Hair cutting, barn shoes, fermenting stuff,compost, all of that happens in my kitchen.
Yet, I really like having my kitchen very clean, but I still woudn't pass an FDA inspection.