So far I have 1/2 a row of potatoes planted and 1/2 acre of popcorn. Been chomping at the bit to get stuff in the ground, but something always gets in the way. But I would also like to wait until we get the fence up; we had a deer in the front yard last night, she must have been looking for loose sunflower seeds under the feeder.
We have been getting frosts off and on for the last 2 weeks, weatherman said last nights low temps were it for the summer. Shouldn't be any more danger of frost until fall.
Time to get serious and get the garden in the ground.
These little guys got in the way this morning. My first flock of chickens arrived as day olds. Some may be a little bit older as they have wing feather starting to sprout already...
I am using a heating pad or "Momma Heating Pad" as it is referred to on the BYC thread that I was reading. The chicks seem to love it so far. Hardly a peep out of them now that they are settled.
It is in the top of the picture, wrapped in an old towel to make cleaning easier.
That is just a temporary brooder, just for tonight.
I painted the big brooder so they will stay in the tote for the night and get moved over tomorrow morning. The plan is to keep them in the house part for a couple of weeks and then put in the ramp so they can use the entire brooder.
The previous owner left it behind when be bought the place. It was in the guinea hen house, so I am assuming that she used it to brood the guineas that we have.
I painted it to in an attempt to seal off any potential disease, parasite or other problems from it sitting out there covered in poop.
I've seen those little coops at the Grange Co Op... they are EXPENSIVE! But soooo cute. Lucky you on having one just sitting there waiting for you to give it a new lease.
Here are updated pictures of the peeps. 6 days here and wow, they are growing fast!
I am loving the little wing feathers and tails starting to pop out on them. the little black pullets are teaching all the others to scratch in the litter. Continually cleaning out the waterer.
DH checks on the chicks in the morning before he goes to work, and in the evening, when he gets home from work.
He was grumbly about them when they came in, he felt the timing was bad because we have so many other things that need to be done. Another fencing project for a chicken run will just be a delay for other projects. However, since the price of eggs has doubled, he is changing his tune a little bit.