Wow, it's 61 here, but north and west of me the rest of the state is having a horrible ice storm! Really bad, I guess. Amazing, you couldn't tell me that sitting here. The wind is whipping, it's pouring rain, blowing across my yard in sheets, but 61
Power outages all over the place, we've got National Grid trucks going back and forth in front of the house, but so far we're ok. There are people talking on the TV about having lost their power at 10:30 last night, and they're in the ice storm area, so they're freezing, too! It'll be the wind blowing a tree down that takes out our power, fortunately we're on a main trunk line, so we usually don't lose it for long.
wow reinbeau
you guys are in crappy weather right now..icky
we got sun today. tons of nice sun. little windy still but on the warmer side so that is good. our rain is gone, squishy mush is still on the ground.
I am so glad I put in my propane fireplace. Just for the ice storms I know are coming. I will have heat. What a piece of mind! I feel for all those freezing without power...ugh.
It's chilly here today, but the sun is finally peeking out! It's been overcast & ugly the past few days. The forecast down here is calling for 50s later this week, and then back down to the 30s again. Typical midwestern weather.
- just looked at the new smilies - these are hilarious!!
We're in for bitter cold the next few days, our high on Monday is going to be 7.
I'm just sitting here waiting for the MOON to pop out so I can go LOOKIE LOO - I'll take my camera, my cheapo one, my fancy one has a dead battery and I dunno where the charger is.
Warning to those east of the northern California- wet cold storm heading your way. The weather said it was too cold to contain much moisture but it's raining pretty steady here right now. Supposed to be snowing this evening- seems a bit warm but who knows.
I spent the day bundling up the plants I'm trying to over winter- used tomato cages and feed bags. Layed mulch over the exposed pipes from the water tank and checked the generator which has been a little off lately. Put the winter blankets on the horses and more straw in the goat shed.
Hopefully I'm ready- the first snow of the year- always brings out the kid in me at least for a day. Then I'm done with it. Seven miles down the road, people get all giddy about snow and come up to play in it. Usually not at my place because the road's too scary even without snow. But these snow visitors usually mangae to damage somewhere or another.
ETR, we are supposed to be getting a portion of your storm this weekend & next week too. So far all we have had is a small shower last night & lots of wind today. Waiting for it to hit during the night or tomorrow morning.
We've been getting ready for our first winter weather for this season. Ice storm warnings are being issued, but I believe that we are as prepared as we can be and we are ready for it. I think that I'll throw another log in the wood stove, open the curtains on the picture window, get in my recliner and watch the world go by.