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  1. J

    55 Gallon Barrel

    Why in the world would you want to contain rhubarb? :hu
  2. J


    I use the recipe from BYC, but instead of using the cooler I just stick it in the oven overnight with the light on. Works fine. The oven is nice and insulated and the light gives off enough heat to keep it warm enough. I have found that using the greek yogurt gives me the best results as a...
  3. J

    Abi has a garden! Abi has a garden!!!

    I say that to all my plants too. And my kids. Still not sure if any are listening. Maybe the plants. I swear the kids are trying to kill themselves.
  4. J

    Eight out and more pipped!!!!! 35 total so far!!!!

    :weee :weee :weee :weee :weee :weee :weee Sooo jealous!
  5. J


    I know that our yard is getting a bit out of hand when the neighbors come by specifically to ask when my FIL is coming to visit. Because the first thing he does when he gets here is get up on the John Deere, and I'm not sure if he actually gets off. He actually bought us a new one because he...
  6. J

    Abi has a garden! Abi has a garden!!!

    I believe when Mythbusters did their little music with plants experiment the ones listening to Heavy Metal did the best. ;) Though all the ones listening to music did better than the control without music. So the fact that my husband blasts the radio on a country station out in the barn, right...
  7. J

    egg cartons?

    When we had a problem with egg carton shortages we ordered a whole bunch of cartons online. And then told our customers that if we had to provide the carton it would be an extra 25 cents (what they cost us), but if they provided it then no charge. They actually write their names on the cartons...
  8. J

    considering sheep

    You guys are KILLLING me here. All this cuteness going around and my grass getting higher out back. Now, just keep repeating to myself, I really need a steer or two, I really need a steer or two. But now I want some sheep!
  9. J


    My husband did that last year. It worked great! Our cows liked it too. ;)
  10. J

    Gardening, what would you do?

    I wouldn't worry too much. The ground is still a little cold and things are going to take a bit longer. As things warm up everything will get going a little faster and all of a sudden you'll have an explosion of green. :D
  11. J

    Unashamedly Showing Off

    It's only MAY!!!!! :th That is so cool.
  12. J

    Dehydrated zucchini chips

    When I was pregnant with my youngest we were putting in our garden. I was really craving yellow squash, so what did I do? I planted the whole package! Of course by the time it was ready to harvest I was so big I could have cared less. Moral of the story - buy just two plants, it's the same...
  13. J

    Dehydrated zucchini chips

    I just realized I forgot to plant zucchini! What was I thinking? :barnie
  14. J

    Canning jars

    I pick up all my jars from the Goodwill almost exclusively now. I know where they put them and always check there. They sell them for about 25 cents each! Can't beat that. I just check each time I'm in, and go in frequently. I've got enough now that I can be picky and only buy the...
  15. J

    Garden Center Trip

    My husband thinks he's a better packer than I am. I let him. I figure I have better things to do. ;)
  16. J

    American History

    My two year old has them down very well thank you. My nine year old has them down even better. ;) We've been learning British history this year and did some comparing of different governments during the election. About the same time my brother and his family moved to England. When my nine...
  17. J

    American History

    Don't you love Project Guttenberg? I use it all the time. I think I might just have to get the Lynne Cheney book. I forgot about it and history is my husband's big thing to teach our kids. Their still a little young for some of the other documents, but that book is about perfect! This is fun!
  18. J

    American History

    You could check out An Old-Fashioned Education When ever I want to add a supplement I usually just go here to find it. I've been really happy with their history and science sections. Best of all, everything is online so you don't really have to worry about...
  19. J

    Monsanto and Round-Up Ready Crops - Create Crisis

    I think I'll go sit in my garden for a while and snicker to myself. I may not like to garden a whole bunch, but Monsanto makes me so dang mad that my garden keeps getting bigger and bigger.
  20. J

    Homemade deodorant

    Here's a link to one of the blogs that I follow. They have a little tutorial on how to make stick deodorant. Someday I might work myself up to it, but I'm not so sure if I have the guts, or the sweat glands for it. It's a pretty cool idea though...