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  1. J

    rty007 winemaking Q

    I know you're going to hate me for this, but the mother in me can't resist. You still need to get your degree so you can have a boring, safe job, just in case. There are plenty of us that have day jobs just to support our SS lifestyle you know. ;) And even with lots of money floating around...
  2. J

    Fishing for Freezer

    Fish? Did someone say fish? Great, now I'm hungry.
  3. J

    rty007 winemaking Q

    I've actually bought foreclosed homes before, and my mother-in-law specialized in selling them through her her real estate office for years. Sometimes people will destroy things in the houses as a way of "getting back" at the bank, but they usually don't associate it with the buyer. The banks...
  4. J

    WOW look at this baby

    I'm feeling very gratefull at the moment that I have absolutely no memory of ever helping anyone use one of those laundry torture devices!
  5. J

    Interesting to me- reasons

    I'm the least disciplined of all people. So, I figure we'll just do school year-round to make up for the weeks I forget to do school. I'm mean, sometimes it's just pretty outside, or there's a mountain of laundry to do, or well, I just want to sleep. ;)
  6. J

    Interesting to me- reasons

    I too thought I wouldn't have the patience, and with my chronic migraines, I didn't believe I could believe I could handle the added stress of homeschooling. My husband and I talked about it on and off for most of my oldest son's second grade year. He was obviously struggling. He couldn't...
  7. J

    Morning Muffins

    Oh darn, I have to go buy raisins now. Life is going to be so yummy. I think I just might double it and make these in my giant muffin tins. I have big eaters.
  8. J

    Top 10 Toxic Products

    Oh, it's actually spring water. They just get it from the bottom of the mountain. The spring is at the top. If you live in San Bernardino or Highland you are probably getting the same water out of your tap. Well, with added chlorine and stuff. I do know they don't add that junk at the...
  9. J

    I'm a tortilla shell failure- any good ideas?

    A tortilla press is on my "what I want to find at the Goodwill" list. My cousin is Mexican and she made all of her tortillas on it. I don't think she made flour tortillas though. Just some masa, a little salt, and some water. Oh my heck, they were good.
  10. J

    Foolproof Rib Roast

    I soooo needed this recipe! Can't wait to try it. Probably Sunday. :D
  11. J

    Top 10 Toxic Products

    Arrowhead is tap water as well, and they also don't get it right at the spring like they advertise! :rolleyes:
  12. J

    Bridal Shower Gift (Pix)

    I absolutely love it! My favorite wedding gifts were the ones that people made me, and after ten+ years, I still have them displayed. As a manic purger (not the gross kind, the trip to the Goodwill kind) there aren't many things that still exist from back then. Well, my husband is still...
  13. J

    Rolling on the floor.....

    You jeans may dry on the chicken pen, but I doubt they'll end up clean. :P
  14. J

    This Guy Has It Made!!

    My seven year old just saw that picture and now wants a hot he can practice shooting.
  15. J

    Rolling on the floor.....

    I should have put a bit of a caveat in that. Sometimes a funny line while get the better of me. My FIL is convinced that we need to make a lot of money and that the fastest way to make it is in the stock market. Why should we make the money? So we can buy more land, a dairy cow or two and...
  16. J

    Newspaper Transplant Pots

    Man, now I wish we got the newspaper.
  17. J - Quantcast Audience Profile

    What do they mean by wealthy? Do they mean we actually pay our bills on time? Or that we actually pay our bills period? :P ETA: And I am VERY attractive.
  18. J

    Rolling on the floor.....

    My counter tops are pink, the jars are under the counter, and my FIL has been known to call at 6am to give us our stock tips for the day. :rolleyes: Scottrade has been the best thing for his retirment, the worst thing for my sleep.
  19. J

    Who else has a blog?

    Shouldn't the question be: "Who updates their blog?" ;)
  20. J

    Swap Meet in SW Washington

    Is it cash only? or do people take personal checks? :D