Congrats on the calves... so no waiting and worrying now... you need to consider banding the bull calves at this point... alot easier to handle at a couple days... and then there is not the worry of later banding and possible problems and infections... and you need to consider when you want to...
@FarmerJamie ... we had some of this "crap" with my parents estate... and the lack of agreements with the grandchildren that are the primary inheiritors.... the 4 children were specifically left a $10,000 settlement in the will and then the rest was split into 6 portions.... finally got enough...
The general consensus of vets here is now that rotating wormers is NOT adviseable like it used to be, because the parasites will build up tolerances to all of the classes... use one wormer for as long as you get results, until you start having problems... That goes against the conventional...
Hay should be doled out if there is a question as to having enough... Years ago, before round balers were popular, normal sq bales were used and animals ate what they were given and didn't waste... In the interest of time saving, we feed round bales and there is alot of waste... Just for...
Ivermectin is a good SAFE all around wormer... but if the goats have barber pole worms I don't think it is especially effective... we do use it on the sheep and if they don't seem to respond, DS will use something stronger for the barber pole worm which is common and a big problem here...
We got a 3 minute shower about 10 a.m. then when I went to Roanoke (1+ hours south) to the chiropractor, they had a real downpour for about 15-30 minutes while I was in the Goodwill about 5 p.m.. Nothing more at my place... there is a "trace" of looks like 3 drops in the rain gauge...
Hint... they are all born with bottom teeth... and they will loose them as the adult teeth come in, but the chances of you ever finding one is very slim.... cattle only have bottom teeth.....
@CrealCritter .... were you afraid that she wouldn't have colostrum for the calf? I would not introduce any outside colostrum replacer to a calf if the cow is making milk. Different if it isn't nursing, or if she doesn't have any milk or anything.
Make sure that it is Colostrum REPLACER not...
2 of my dairies use Hydrogen Peroxide as a teat dip... diluted to half water and half HP.... but I am not sure if it is a 3 % or a higher % of HP.... have to try to remember to ask. Another uses bleach ( standard clorox type) 1/2 and 1/2 with water as a predip.....
@CrealCritter ; talk to her and ask if she needs a place to put hives and see about doing a trade... some honey and pollination of your crops, for a place for her to put hives... your fruit trees would benefit and so would her bee hives for not having to fly very far... no out of pocket...
@Rammy ... how's the job going? The P.O. is having trouble keeping help up here.... a friend went into work in a post office, small near her house and that is why she took it. Says she liked it pretty good and she was offered a position at another bigger office and she turned it down...
Looks like it might be a Comice Pear.... very sweet and less "grainy" than some of the others...more rounded and shorter but has a typical pear neck...
When you talked to DD and it started to rain, where were you? Might have taken them off while talking and then didn't put them on when it started raining????
Rose Acre Farms... Aunt Esther's Vanilla custard recipe. Have been making this one for years when I got it off one of their egg cartons.... Simple and easy... But I adapted it to bake in a bowl instead of a baking dish... and put the bowl inside a slightly larger one with water ... a water...
Never have too much roughage for the cattle's diet. The protein will be low, but feeding cornstalks has been around FOREVER... and sweet corn stalks actually have a little more sugar in them even when dry so the cattle will like them. Plus, it will be something "different" when they get tired...