LOL... yes, I meant the chickens! My girls sure know that snake is tasty! They caught one last year and I haven't seen one since. Maybe they should have left the snakes alone to eat the mice!:rolleyes: Silly chickens!
All my birds learned to go to coop within days. The hardest to get in the main coop was when a broody raised 6 chicks and kept taking them to the rafters of the grow out area. It's all good now. Even the guineas roost with the chickens they were raised with. 1 of the 2 roosters also stays out...
Maybe you need to teach them to hunt! lol.... I have the same problem, though I've seen my uncles and my neighbors (as a kid) chase down and devour mice in a flash!
The "Lego" type pieces (I think it's more like an "erector set"... but I'm old LOL) that are the core to building some of the machines they made. I like the tractor and all the attachments. But the cool thing seems to be that many of the same parts can be used to build different machines...
I have 30 laying hens... 11 roosters (oops.. I sold 1!) I have a broody sitting on 10 eggs and I just put 41 in the incubator. There are 3 breeds I want to buy at least 3 each of and the turkeys are coming the 8th. I will be ordering 25-30 "meaties" this month. I also have 5 guineas and 3 more...
When I was a kid it was not unusual for people to have "secret spots" in the woods for berries, mushrooms, nuts and asparagus. Shoot, I even got wild leeks and all kinds of other goodies I don't think anyone knew of! So sad to see most of these places wind up going to housing, malls and roads. :(
It may be the greatest product made... but yes, the price puts it beyond the reach of 90% of us. I couldn't even do it payments!
Wouldn't mind trading my testimonial for one though! ;)
LOL terri! I can just picture you fighting off the chickens for the horse poo so you can put it on your flowers!
Chickens can clean up scraps and leftovers quite nicely. However I hope they teach these people what they CAN'T have too!
Back to the subject at hand..... My oldest son has advanced M.S. and lives with us. It helps with the nausea when he takes his meds. It also helps keep him moving. When he hasn't had any for awhile you notice he was "dragging" more when he tries to walk. And I feel it helps with his...
LOL... wish you were closer! I'd trade 2 for 1... I got some mixed breed roos (8) I'd trade for a Plymouth Rock. I have 5 other roos too.... soon as my son finishes the chicken plucker.... there will be less! ;)
Look at CL and see if anyone is posting roos and go from there... if not I'd ask...
I have a few breeds one of them is austrolorps. They are a good hardy breed and will gossip with you about the goings on in the coop! LOL They are very chatty, and like attention. Mine have done quite well here in WI. weather. Just make sure the coop is well vented in the summer. They do very...
Yes, some companies even offer a "refund" for returned pallets in good shape.
Wow, would I have loved to get some of those teak wood ones!
I've done a few small projects with the pallets DH has brought home. He mostly brought them home for fire wood and I pull "good" boards off of them to use...
LOL .... If that ATV was in that bad of shape, anyone who wanted to "steal" something of value would have passed! Unless, they were after people stealing scrap. But then put the thing where people have been stealing from... not a dumping ground!
BTW.... I'm a big scavenger too! Picked up tons...
I got 5 keets and 5 chicks from the same breeder at the same time. I raised them together and made a small "flight cage" for them. All ten were together for about 3 months until they were old enough to join the flock. When I let them out to mingle and free range they always came to roost with...
Glad you mentioned what type of dishes you have. I LOVE my Corelle!!!! Some of it was my grandmothers from when it first came out and I have some of my mother's "cornflower" Corningware! OK, some people may think the patterns are "out dated" but I think it's a testament as to how...
No, didn't have cinnamon candies... but I have done crab apples that way. Thanks for offering!.
You may want to post it anyway in case someone would like to try them.
That's not the one but it looks real good! I'm going to make some of those even if I find the one I was after. Thanks!
BTW, wonder why that didn't show up when I did a search?