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  1. Blue Skys

    Have you ever had a buffalo processed?

    Buffalo is my favorite meat!! yummy!!
  2. Blue Skys

    Healthy Fats and Oils.......IMO!

    I've been learning alot from ya'lls discusion. My hubby has heart problems on his dads side of the family (his father and both of his fathers parents, and after them I'm not sure). Lately we have both been realizing that we need to eat better and take better care of ourselves. I hope that...
  3. Blue Skys

    North or South?

    I live near the R in 2dream's name (Texas). It is warm most of the time - 90's in the summer (some days in the 100's - maybe a couple weeks out of the year). The winters are pretty short, not short enough for me - and we get some freezing weather - two days this past winter it was freezing...
  4. Blue Skys

    Adventures of OkieAnnie's "homestead"

    :welcome Wow, you gotta love neighbors (or rather, you can't shoot them). The dog is their responsability, either call animal control or do whatever you feel comfortable with to prevent the dog from doing anyfurther damaging. I myself would SSS (shoot, shovel, shut up) and not feel bad...
  5. Blue Skys

    Blue Skys: Not ready for change.

    We went fishing yesterday and had a blast. I was really just playing with my dog, we brought him along but the other dog had to stay home, she was just spayed - so she has to tak it easy for a while. Any way not very eventful. The dog, named Catfish, got himself hooked, I was tying a lure...
  6. Blue Skys

    Blue Skys: Not ready for change.

    ummm... Once I learn how to use the upload feature I will post pics - I have heard it's easy, but we'll see... I can mess anything up when it comes to technology.
  7. Blue Skys

    Blue Skys: Not ready for change.

    Wow, so it's been since February since I come on here! Time flys. I have been lurking a lot, but mostly I have been on the easy garden forum. I started my garden back in march and have harvested lettuce and spinach, Zucchini, banana peppers, cilantro dill, garlic, jalapenos and squash. The...
  8. Blue Skys

    What ever happened to Community

    I think that many people were raised with no responsability, due to the concept of family being lost, and are now so caught up with texting their friends about last nights "reality" show that reality is the furthest thing from their minds. When you are so wrapped up in what is not real, you...
  9. Blue Skys

    DEBT many see it as the first step to SS?

    Thanks!! Blue skys does make me feel happy!! I actually just read the majority of the posts and feel a little more confident. And having DH on my side (finally) will contribute to more productivity as far as paying stuff off. It certainly seems that many people have much more debt and I...
  10. Blue Skys

    DEBT many see it as the first step to SS?

    I didn't read all of the posts, but I had to get this off my chest. I am very frustrated with how I managed my money in the past. We have credit card debt, totaling about 10,000 on two cards. This is very frustrating to me as one of the credit cards is still in good standing and the other has...
  11. Blue Skys

    Do you have SS friends? Or do your friends think you are weird?

    I enjoyed reading about everyones family and lives. I don't have many friends, and the three or so I do have, I find myself drifting further from. My husband is my best friend and we share common goals and dreams, which are to be more ss. This weekend his mother came to visit from half way...
  12. Blue Skys

    Funny animal names

    My brown lab is named catfish, cause he looked like a catfish and always smelled like dirt. (I didn't like how dirt sounded for a name). Our German Shepard is named Kimber - The make of my husbands .45, both for protection. :D We also had Walker who was the best pound puppy ever (he was...
  13. Blue Skys

    Blue Skys: Not ready for change.

    Ok so I changed my name... Blue Skys just makes me feel good... "Nothing but blue skies from now on" but I don't like how skies looks. oh and I have to change the title of my journal now too...
  14. Blue Skys

    Blue Skys: Not ready for change.

    a few different, probably some RIR some buff orpingtons and some easter eggers, because dh thinks green eggs (or blue or pink - anything but brown and white) are gross. :P I'm thinking that I'll also get some cornish cross meat chickens, I'll just build them their own seperate house. I grew up...
  15. Blue Skys

    Does anyone have info on wind power

    My husband has been actively looking to build a wind torbine. You tube has instructions to build them yourself, and the research that he has done so far shows it to be relitively inexpensive - the most costly being the batteries and converter. Those will make the most of the wind you do get...
  16. Blue Skys

    foster parenting

    Thanks for that me&thegals!! And good luck with your adventure in foster parenting. It may be in my future, who knows what's in store for me and my family.
  17. Blue Skys

    foster parenting

    I'm not going to get on a soap box here, as I know your intentions are good, I just had to respond that unless you have infertility issues you cannot possibly begin to understand what goes on in the lives of those that do. Most couples who are not able to have children of their own are...
  18. Blue Skys

    Anybody make their own puppy training pads?

    Crate training works wonders! I've made several people believers. It'll be a little harder on an older puppy or dog, but deal with the crying for a couple of days/nights and it will be very worth it. The dog will enjoy having a place of his own too. :) (Also, make sure the crate is size...