a few different, probably some RIR some buff orpingtons and some easter eggers, because dh thinks green eggs (or blue or pink - anything but brown and white) are gross.
I'm thinking that I'll also get some cornish cross meat chickens, I'll just build them their own seperate house.
I grew up eating our food, but dh never has (he's pretty much a city clicker, but adapting well to a more ss life), he's excited about it!!
Wow, so it's been since February since I come on here! Time flys. I have been lurking a lot, but mostly I have been on the easy garden forum. I started my garden back in march and have harvested lettuce and spinach, Zucchini, banana peppers, cilantro dill, garlic, jalapenos and squash. The tomatoes are starting to grow and the okra is flowersing, carrots are almost ready!! I saw my first pickling cuke come up - to bad the dill probably won't be around - I'll have to dry some and save any flowers to make pickles. The fall garden and next years garden are already in the works and will be much bigger and much better than this seasons.
I also got some chickens in March. A bunch of buff orpingtons, a couple each rhode island reds, and barred rocks, and a black sex link. They are so big and I really enjoy them. Hubby likes them also. The dogs have been good with them and I even trust them to stay outside when the chickens are out (they free range). We still need to get a rooster so that we can breed our food. I was thinkng about getting a heritage breed dual purpose - maybe a dominique? We'll see.
I set up a rain barrel and have collected a bunch of rain water. Hubby is going to be able to get a 250 gallon one for me soon, I can't wait!!!
There are still plans for a wind turbine, but finances won't allow right now to really start on that, I think hubby might try to collect peices and parts here and ther, but nothing will be able to come of it until we get a little extra money coming in, which may be a while off...
We are planning on getting a pair of goats. I don't know what kind. I was thinking Alpine, but with such a high milk yeild, I don't think we would use it all. We are looking for something multi-purpose, millk, meat and mower, maybe nubian?? I don't know, I have some research to do.
Welcome, and glad to see you back. Sounds like you have accomplished a ton of stuff since Feb. Your wind turbine project sounds very interesting. Let us know how it progresses.