Abifae - Ciao Babies!


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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I can do the twisty part right without shoes on. Now to learn how to get it in my heels!!!

I get to make truffles tonight :D Chocolate dipping party tomorrow LOL

ETA: I had a hypothesis... what do you guys think??

i think most people are only conceptual. does that make sense? because most people never truly reach the Abstract Thinking Stage. They cannot abstract the concept to reality??


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 17, 2009
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Maryville, Tennessee
I don't know Abi, you lost me. lol . Maybe I abstracted myself out of here, conceptually speaking, of course.

Glad your dance classes are going so well. Dance in heels? I can't even walk in them....


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score

Most people like the CONCEPT of things but don't have any concept of how to actually have them in real life. I think it's because they aren't abstract enough to do it.

Like people who want "spouse" and have this list of attributes that this means. They want the concept so much they stay with someone they hate because they have "spouse" and they want the concept. But they do nothing to have an actual relationship. Getting the word is enough for them. Oh look. I have "spouse". Good job, me!


Simplicity patterns are .99 each at Joann's... >.>

I'm on the website making a list of ones I want and I can dig through tomorrow LOL.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
Maryville, Tennessee
You are absolutely right. I once knew a woman who left her husband because he was too possessive and was smothering her. She got all settled into a new place, had problems with her washer, he bought and installed her a new one and the next thing I knew they were back together because she liked the idea of him buying things for her and taking her on trips, etc. Sometimes I think married women prostitute themselves for "things, status, etc."

Better to stay single and be your own boss. Mind you, this advice comes from a woman who has been married 3 times so it's "Do as I say, not as I do", I guess.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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kcsunshine said:
You are absolutely right. I once knew a woman who left her husband because he was too possessive and was smothering her. She got all settled into a new place, had problems with her washer, he bought and installed her a new one and the next thing I knew they were back together because she liked the idea of him buying things for her and taking her on trips, etc. Sometimes I think married women prostitute themselves for "things, status, etc."

Better to stay single and be your own boss. Mind you, this advice comes from a woman who has been married 3 times so it's "Do as I say, not as I do", I guess.
Uh, yeah, my cousin recent got divorced. The week after it was final (during the winter), in Spring the ex called him to ask when he was going to be coming over to mow the grass and get the flower beds planted at her *new* place.

Its confusing for us guys! :hide


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
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South/Central Georgia
FarmerJamie said:
kcsunshine said:
You are absolutely right. I once knew a woman who left her husband because he was too possessive and was smothering her. She got all settled into a new place, had problems with her washer, he bought and installed her a new one and the next thing I knew they were back together because she liked the idea of him buying things for her and taking her on trips, etc. Sometimes I think married women prostitute themselves for "things, status, etc."

Better to stay single and be your own boss. Mind you, this advice comes from a woman who has been married 3 times so it's "Do as I say, not as I do", I guess.
Uh, yeah, my cousin recent got divorced. The week after it was final (during the winter), in Spring the ex called him to ask when he was going to be coming over to mow the grass and get the flower beds planted at her *new* place.

Its confusing for us guys! :hide
Ummmm, NO! That's her, taking advantage. She needs to grow up and put on her big girl panties! Dollars to doughnuts, she's the same female who's going to get all steamed and torqued off when he asks for same favor in return! :somad You either take "spouse" (as Abi says) and ALL that goes with it - and that includes doing things for your spouse, as well, not just expecting to be on the receiving end of all the gifts/chores/etcs, or you don't! (Sorry, pet peeve of mine, can ya tell :he ) [/ :rant]

edit: fix emoticon


Jun 18, 2009
Reaction score
abifae said:

Most people like the CONCEPT of things but don't have any concept of how to actually have them in real life. I think it's because they aren't abstract enough to do it.

Like people who want "spouse" and have this list of attributes that this means. They want the concept so much they stay with someone they hate because they have "spouse" and they want the concept. But they do nothing to have an actual relationship. Getting the word is enough for them. Oh look. I have "spouse". Good job, me!


Simplicity patterns are .99 each at Joann's... >.>

I'm on the website making a list of ones I want and I can dig through tomorrow LOL.
When I was young and foolish I wanted the concept of the house, family, you know the "dream". That turned into a nightmare.

Now it is more about the relationship. The partnership, communication, laughing and me being myself. If you don't like who I am, leave. DH feels the same way. I can do things on my own. I can live without him. He is not needed, but wanted. I don't know if this is what you mean or not.


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
Sometimes I think married women prostitute themselves for "things, status, etc."
That's what marriage is. Legal prostitution. You sign a contract that says I will stick around for this much cash. Which I'll do if I find the right proposition, but I won't ever see marriage as anything BUT a contract.

A relationship is different.

Its confusing for us guys!
For us honest girls too LOL. I think Bethanial is right. She's just taking advantage of his maleness. Boys help girls. It's how it works. I told my niece: Boys are here to provide for females. Females are here to make it worth their while. Cut the games. Cut the bull****. Find out what he wants and needs and give it to him and he does the same back. It shouldn't be this complicated GAME that girls turn it into.

This is why I cannot stand girls. Females are fine. Girls is the social insinuation of all the meanness and spite and game playing they do.

All my female friends are very male in behavior. Auntie, Imooto...

You either take "spouse" (as Abi says) and ALL that goes with it - and that includes doing things for your spouse, as well, not just expecting to be on the receiving end of all the gifts/chores/etcs, or you don't!
Hey! It's on MY list of pet peeves TOO!!!

Now it is more about the relationship. The partnership, communication, laughing and me being myself. If you don't like who I am, leave. DH feels the same way. I can do things on my own. I can live without him. He is not needed, but wanted.
That's what I mean. You've moved beyond concept to reality.

People do it with EVERYTHING but relationships are the most obvious.

Autistics categorize differently. Whereas most people, for example, have a category of "dog" and in that category are lists of types of dogs, and a list of dogs they've known. Autistics tend to have every animal they've seen, and under each animal might be attribute "dog". So for us, concept and reality are sometimes easier and sometimes harder.

We might have "spouse" with a very strict rule set. On the other hand, we might have every person we've ever interacted with in their entirely own category. This might make a person we are married to not a spouse. LOL.

Everyone I know is on an 8 dimensional scale of various things I count important in relationships and so far no two people have hit the same exact point on my little mental graph and so no two can be categorized together.

I have a strict definition of "love" but it's not limiting. It's just "affection and acceptance". There are people easier and harder to find those for LOL. But I love just about everyone and everything. Now all the OTHER emotions around a person change how I FEEL about them, but doesn't affect the love part. I make a good buddhist.

For most people, though, it seems that they have a category and want a person there. So they just put a person there. And then they pretend that person IS the category. I don't think they're grown up enough to abstract a concept into a real thing.