Hubby actually asked me to pick out some chicks from the TSC I have finally got him.
He also wanted to know what we needed to do to get a few goats. hahaha. I love seeing everyones babies. I so want some. But I am trying to be responsible and make myself wait till we have more room. But a neighbor has goats on a lot our size and they do just fine. I just dont wanna give up my garden. So I guess fence building may need to be a project soon enuf.
I love seeing everyones pics.
Thanks for checking in Glenolam! And that's awesome, hillfarm!
I've been busy lately and haven't been able to update in a while! So here goes:
Sheep:Purl and her lambs are doing great! Purl's vulva has healed nicely and didn't require any further attention! Her lambs are cute as can be and have been having daily races with each other. I'll have to get a video sometime! Darla (bred Southdown) is still bred and is starting to udder up just a bit. She's not due until beginning of May, so we have a while.
Ida and Brutus, the kids, are doing really well! They're growing like weeds and are already wreaking havoc in the barn. I disbudded Brutus last night and pics are on the blog. I'll do Ida soon, though her buds aren't nearly as big as Brutus's were. I've been debating keeping Ida, but I really think I'll sell her and Brutus when they're weaned. I just don't *need* another doe, and I could really use the money. I *want* lots of goats, but realistically I know what I can handle both space wise and money wise, and one dairy goat is enough for us. Plus, more goats means more milk, and we don't even use all of June's milk as it is. I sell most of it. I mean, did I say that? Shhh! I just don't have the time I need to make much cheese and soap, but that's my goal for this make more!
Broilers:We were given about 15 8 week old broilers...they were runts and poor growers from someone who raises them large-scale and these didn't cut the mustard. They weren't raised like I would like (they were in confinement), but I have had them for 2 weeks now, so hopefully any "icky" residue or junk from their old feed is now out of their system. THey've enjoyed free ranging. I'm going to process about 5-8 of them this weekend. Some of them are SMALL...I mean, like size of 3 week old normal CXes, so I'm not sure if they're ever going to grow more of if they're just permanently stunted. I'll give them a few more weeks, and if they grow more I'll keep them for a while longer until they're big, but if they're not growing we'll just have a few personal sized chicken dinners.
Layers:They're still doing really well. I'm getting about a dozen eggs per day, even though I should be getting more by my calculations. I'm picking up 10 red star pullets (17 weeks old) next weekend. I may sell a few of them, but I'm hoping to pick up some new egg customers.
Rabbits:I don't have rabbits yet, but I did score a really nice hutch for free!! I posted a "wanted" ad on a local forum, and some really nice guy responded and gave me the hutch they don't use any more. It's barely been used. It's big...probably 3'x4' and 5' tall (on legs)!
On 3/14 I put ~35 chicken eggs in the incubator. I candled the other day and only 3 were bad. I also went to a livestock auction on 3/16 and bought 18 turkey eggs!! There are 12 buff and 6 slate eggs, and I can't wait to see if they hatch or not!
Last weekend DH and I tilled up the small garden and I planted half of it. I've got cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage seedlings planted, along with white and yellow onion sets and spinach seeds. We've gotten some good rain lately, so I haven't had to water. The other half of the small garden is for taters, and I really hope to get them in this weekend! I hope to pick up a few loads of compost from a friend's farm this coming weekend for the big garden too.
So, that's about enough for now! I'll try to update more later.
I'm so wicked jealous of your birds - meaties, chicks, layers....we're in desparation here! I just got a new thermometer in the mail yesterday and have 7 eggs that I'm holding to incubate. Hopefully by Sunday I'll have about 20 eggs to toss in and we'll see what happens.
Want more eggs? I bet it wouldn't take long to ship some to you! I'll trade ya a dozen for a bar of soap! f you're interested I'd just ask that you pay for shipping/packaging. I may have to buy some bubble wrap. I have mutt chickens, but lots of easter eggers. PM me if you're interested. No pressure, just thought I'd offer!