AL - Recording baby steps: Newest Addition


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I did see a horse running down the road once when I was leaving our old neighborhood one time....a beautiful bay with full saddle and reins dangling. I watched it go past and wondered if I should call police but then saw an exasperated, irritated and red faced man running at full speed in his cowboy hat and boots down the road after the horse! I guess it bucked him off! :lol:


Almost Self-Reliant
May 24, 2010
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NW Florida
the plant - just randomly came up at the edge of my compost pile

the "produce" - little bigger than a baseball

what the...?

and guess what else? I felt a raindrop


Almost Self-Reliant
May 24, 2010
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NW Florida
well that is what the "produce" looks like, but the plant isn't a vine... it is more like a zuke plant.
ETA and the stems / "branches" of it have tiny spikes or thorns. Zuke plants break me out something awful, but this literally has little thorns. in the pic of the produce, on the stem at the bottom you can see kind of white specks, those are the spikes


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Could be anything. :p Last year I had something come up "volunteer" that seems to be a zuke, yellow squash, and acorn mix. Ugliest squash-like thing I'd ever seen, and I think cardboard had more flavor. :sick

When I saw the leaves, I thought pumpkin, too.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 24, 2010
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NW Florida
I'll just keep an eye on it and see what happens. Maybe it is dinosaur or aliens ready to "hatch" lol

So my hen with the single chick that is about a month or so old has hatched another chick! I really have to pay better attention, I don't need anymore chickens!

We actually had a good soaking rain last night. My garden is just about overrun with grass now. I need to decide if I am going to try and clean it up / replant, or maybe just give up that half for the season.

I still have the dog. She is a pain in the butt. Everything is fine except the horses. Ever since Buddy chased her she barks incessantly if she sees them anywhere in the vicinity. Never did get time to tether her for a day at the barn.

I think Rio may have hurt his front leg now - I don't know, I have a hard time figuring which leg is sore on 4 legged critter. Regardless, whatever is hurting him has him laying around instead of playing. His consult with the ortho specialist is Tuesday, but I don't know when he will have the surgery since I am going to Texas. If he has it the first week of June I won't be able to take off work but I don't know if I need to wait until the 2nd week when I can be off. The problem is he will be at my parents house while I am at work at night and he does not like to be anywhere but my front gate waiting for me. Kind of worried about how he'll do.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 24, 2010
Reaction score
NW Florida
it kinda does, huh? (I had to google it lol )

Today started serenely enough. Quiet , breezy Sunday morning - low humidity and low temps made it so pleasant. I fed the chickens and rabbits, and then sat on the steps and watched the dogs romp for a few minutes before getting dressed and heading to church.
When I got home, I let the dogs out (still have the girl dog) and went to check on the horses. Skye is getting really ribby, so I am going to have to up her feed and probably get her teeth done. Checked on the garden / sod farm. Tons of grass growing in the unproductive half so I just left it. Now, of course, I have corn coming up :rolleyes:
It started getting time for work, so I fed and watered Buford and walked him outside. While he wandered around I went to check on Yankee and her new chick - only to find another new chick! One of my Golden Comets had run Yankee off the nest and was scratching around the bricks that make up one side of it. I saw a movement and noticed a little half-wet black chick stomped into the dirt. I don't know if the dip in the ground was there and saved him, or if he was stomped so much he was pressed into the ground. He was cold and weak, but moving a little with an occasional peep. I was borderline late for work, so I scooped him up and put him in a box with some paper towels wrapped loosely around him and stuck it under a lamp in the bathroom.
I decided I'd get my lunch when I went back because it was too late to start putting it together. I started to leave and my mom called - my dad was leaving for my nephew's baseball game and the girl dog slipped out and ran. I almost left her to go, thinking maybe she would go to her home - but I saw her at the house on the hill chasing their ducks and decided she wouldn't live to make it home. It was 2:30. I was to be at work at 2:30, so I had to call in late.
I took Rio with me thinking the dog would come when she saw him - but Rio was more interested in wading in the pond. i would get close, then the dog would bolt. Girl dog took off around the house and I went to the door so they didn't shoot me for wandering around their backyard.... as soon as the lady came out and we started talking, here comes girl dog running as if she just realized "Come here d****t " was for her.
At 3 I finally logged in at work. At 545 we had a medical emergency and since I am senior supervisor, I had to go. I had planned to go home by 6 because Buford can't hold it more than about 4 hours (and he had gone out at 130). I got home at almost 7 - he had pooped and laid in it. Good times.

The chick was doing fine - warmed up, a little fluffy and very loud. I will plan on moving it out to the broody tonight, if he seems strong enough. Otherwise I guess I will have another chicken in my bathroom :p .
My nephew's team won the championship - went undefeated all weekend :woot
I have my 4th of 6 visits to the nutritionist tomorrow at 11, counseling appt at 3 and then work. Then Tuesday Rio goes to the Ortho doc to see when / if he will have his ACL surgery.