Lovin' The Homestead
Dang....are they bro and sis??? 

LOL my mom said today, looking out the window "Rags is so happy when Rio comes outside to play" me: "Rio is laying at my feet" Mom: "He's outside" Rio: Waggy tail waggy tail Mom : "oh"Dang....are they bro and sis???
hee hee heeRio: Waggy tail waggy tail
Several years back my sis was running a boarding stable and they kept hearing reports of a big bay horse running along the river that bordered the stable pasture. They did some reconnaissance work and discovered a really nice gelding seemingly running the river banks wild! Now this is CITY folks, so a horse just can not be left to roam. It took about a week of baiting a corral with grain and a small pony mare till the boy was caught.savingdogs said:Or they are out of town on vacation and their caregiver for the dog lost it. That happened once too and the people came for the dog two weeks later.