That's the problem... I'm tempted to keep too many of them! That roo actually had gone home with a friend of mine and 2 pullets from his hatch -then he sprouted those tail feathers and she has 7 illegal hens he had to go. They were going to butcher him, but I couldn't stand it since he is so pretty.
Oh I agree on the barred EE. I would keep him, do a little experimenting with him, maybe over a white/black EE hen? Or BR hen? He is a looker for sure!
Well a stinking dog took care of one of my rooster problems... unfortunately it was little Emmett. That poor chick survived ants in his shell with him (2x), being rolled out into the middle of the cold chickenhouse (gasping for air when I found him) and me peeling too much shell off. All to die because of a freaking dog. I can't be too mad at the dog, evidently Emmett went over or through the fence somewhere. Still ticks me off and breaks my heart though. He was such a cool looking little chick.
Even with our little afternoon rains we have had a couple of times, our area has been escalated to an "exceptional" drought status. You can see pics of how low the rivers are here
I picked what I think will be the last of my tomatoes and a random yellow squash. There were a few small ears of corn left, picked those. I am about ready to go ahead and turn the horses in for a few minutes a day until they can just stay in there and get stuff cleaned up and mowed down so I can till. I have to get everything done before my surgery or it will be late September probably before I can do anything heavy.
Dang... so aggravated about my little Emmett.
Today would have been Buford's 15th birthday. Sad day all around.