ANYONE do the juicing thing?


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Welcome to the forum, MC! :)

My folks have juiced carrots for over 17 years now...they used to take the Barley Green powder and then they juiced their own sprouts but finally just settled down to the carrots only.


Lovin' The Homestead
May 29, 2010
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Beekissed said:
~gd said:
Can anyone explain the health benefit of throwing away the fiber? Frankly I eat more fruit and veggies raw just for the fiber. I am planning some major dental work and the dentist suggested a blender until I get my teeth replaced, a juicer was never mentioned as an option. it was explained to me, and makes much sense if one thinks about it, the maximum amount of nutrients one can get into a cup of juice is derived from the actual juice and not the fiber. Sure you can eat the veggies that you would put into the juicer...say four large, fresh carrots will equal one 8 oz. cup of carrot juice.

If you are eating raw veggies for the rest of the day for your fiber needs, but really want the Vit. A and Betacarotene you need without the prospect of eating four large carrots each morning, then you juice them. The body can process this juice in a fraction of the time it would take to extract it from the fibrous carrot meal you consume, getting the nutrients where they are needed quickly and with less energy spent in that could be utilized in the muscular contractions of exercising.

If you don't regularly consume natural fiber by eating raw fruits and veggies...then eating those carrots may be just what you need and you can skip the whole juicing thing.
Thank you Bee, that is what I have done in the past and i will continue to do [skip it] a well exercised body isn't much good with a flabby digestive system. Use it or lose it!


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
I can't get into juicing, either. Since I've spent a lot of life trying to get more and more fiber into my family's diets, it's hard to imagine throwing a lot of it out. Plus, it takes so much more fruit/veggie to come up with a serving of juice rather than consuming whole.

That said, if I ever have the misfortune to develop cancer, I can see being drawn to juicing as a way to get a LOT of nutrients into 1 glass of juice, especially if lacking appetite or feeling nauseous.

But, whatever gets fruits and veggies into people's diets!! And some of my farmer's market customers are juicers, so they purchase quite a bit more than a nonjuicer :)


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
My dogs used to LOVE the carrot pulp my parents threw'd see him come from the compost pile with an orange face. Very comical! :D


Jun 27, 2011
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I think I would like using fruit type pulp in smoothies. Freeze it and add it like a surprise type of smoothie! Also I wonder if I could add fruit pulp to jams when canning? Or chutneys? And if I could then I could add some veggie pulps to mincemeat. I remember making green tomato mincemeat.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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I bought a pineapple, spinach, celery, blueberries

All going in the juicer.

I can't wait to fire this thing up in a bit.

Hubby got a deer last night...but he went off hunting this morning also. So when he gets home we will juice. So it will be fun to try this juicer for the first time in a bit.

I will come back and report on taste. should be yummy actually. I think the pineapple and a touch of blueberry will easily cover the spinach and celery.
starting off slowly to test the waters


Enjoys Recycling
Oct 24, 2011
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I've been juicing almost daily for years. I love it and it loves me. I'm 56 and have almost no wrinkles, gray hair, and I rarely get sick. I have a base juice that I do every morning of a pound of carrots and one large granny smith apple. To this I'll add whatever I have fresh, leafy greens (especially kale is great), a whole peeled beet, celery, cucumber, or whatever hits me. If you want an actual recipe, I'd suggest Dr. Norman Walker's books. He gives some great ones and tells you how they work with your body.

One word of caution, work up to the whole beet. They are great for cleansing the liver but can put you on bathroom duty if your body isn't used to it. Also, despite the fact that I love cauliflower, I find I just can't do the juice. This a shame since it's great for avoiding breast cancer.

I also compost the pulp and any veggie trimmings. My square foot gardens use a lot of compost and I feel like it's going to a good use. Don't worry about the cost of fresh veggies, medicine is a lot more expensive. Keeping yourself well is the best self sufficient act you can do.



Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
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nikki4612 said:
I've been juicing almost daily for years. I love it and it loves me. I'm 56 and have almost no wrinkles, gray hair, and I rarely get sick. I have a base juice that I do every morning of a pound of carrots and one large granny smith apple. To this I'll add whatever I have fresh, leafy greens (especially kale is great), a whole peeled beet, celery, cucumber, or whatever hits me. If you want an actual recipe, I'd suggest Dr. Norman Walker's books. He gives some great ones and tells you how they work with your body.

One word of caution, work up to the whole beet. They are great for cleansing the liver but can put you on bathroom duty if your body isn't used to it. Also, despite the fact that I love cauliflower, I find I just can't do the juice. This a shame since it's great for avoiding breast cancer.

I also compost the pulp and any veggie trimmings. My square foot gardens use a lot of compost and I feel like it's going to a good use. Don't worry about the cost of fresh veggies, medicine is a lot more expensive. Keeping yourself well is the best self sufficient act you can do.

Great testamonial Nikki! The cost is different now, with so many out of work and no health insurance. When I started juicing seriously, back in 1990, ex was active duty and we had bennies. Now, I am divorced, laid off, no healthcare. Juice would be much more cheaper now, especially since I can grow good veggies here on this 1 acre...most of the year. I think it all depends on peoples situations. Juicing is also becoming more popular now. it wasn't so much back in 1990.

I'll just keep watching :caf


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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I am so glad you chimed in Nikki

I like your post and it gave me good info.

I too am using this as preventive health measures. I want extra nutrients and I don't want to have to eat them all the time. :p

hubby and I are going to juice 4 days straight when he is off from work cause he leaves so early and comes home so late (12hr shift) and then I will prepare a 'bedtime juice' for us 1 or 2 of the other nights.

Nikki can you recommend some type of good juice you can drink at night that will aid in sleeping? just wondering


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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OK I juiced this morning.

I like the Jack LaLaine machine. It worked well, quiet and very easy to clean. Yes the pulp surprised me on how much was leftover. I have it freezeing in 2 batches.

I did a small veggie type sample and a fruit juice sample. Hubby and kiddo enjoyed the fruit juice more ;)

fruit juice was 1/2 fresh pineapple, 1 whole apple, 4 whole carrots, 1 bunch grapes, ALOT of fresh spinach leaves.

Hmm...on the spinach. I balled them up and most just shot right into the pulp container.....then I retrieved them and bunched a bit and ran them thru some juice then I put in giant bit of pineapple, got the pulp again, put it on the pineapple and then added another piece of pineapple. I got more juice out of the spinach then.
WOW those leafy things are hard to juice lol

taste was good. Tony liked the foam. I kinda did not like the foam but I got it down.

the veggie was tomatoes, celery, bit of garlic, frew broccoli chunks, carrots, (and heck something else I can't remember right now lol) but I liked the taste ( not a total fan, I know I need to find a better combo in this veggie juice. hubby and kid turned up their I will have to camo some extra veggies into his fruit juice lol

I like juicing. Now I have to just try and get better combos etc and I will work on that.

One thing, those 2 juices we sampled this morning STUFFED me up big time. I was surprised how it filled me up and now it is almost 11 and I haven't eaten anything except those 2 glasses. hmm...and right now I am still not heading toward hungry. I HOPE to lose a few lbs doing this :) would be nice to lose those last 10 lbs that keep me hopping up and down the scale haha

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