Are we living our dream?

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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She did manage to get me on a good roll before. Maybe I can get back in shape with her.
DD and I are at the training center. She is getting back in Taekwondo. She is a red belt. Gotta at least get a black belt. It’s been a while. There are 5 other kids. All boys.
DH actually impressed with the house by the time I left. Maybe it’s not too late for a New Years resolution.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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It’s so quiet here now. DD left with her English, Math and Reading lessons and books to go to her dad’s house. I sent him several text messages so he is on board with the plan.
I am trying to recuperate from a chest cold. And I bought some keto flour and nuts and a bunch of eggs. I need to get ready for my doctor visit in March. If I just sit here and sleep and eat I will never be able to convince him I don’t need his cholesterol medicine.
So when DD and I went on the road today we went to the only public library that wasn’t damaged in our area and I hit the book sale. I got a few recipe books for healing and paleo diet ideas that I hope will help me tip the scale in my favor. I then bought stuff for the puppy and school and then I went to the pharmacy to get DH’s medicine and found out my doctor hadn’t called anything in for me so I’m still on my own. Before I am even home I find out DH will have fresh cinnamon rolls by 1:00. Nice. Oh well I didn’t tell him my plans. I feel like I am cramming for a test I have neglected to study for. So like if I can just drop 15 pounds and significantly decrease my cholesterol I will give myself an A+.
An old friend from school gave me her deceased mom’s wardrobe so my wardrobe just went from one extreme to the next.
So now it’s to not allow myself to become depressed with DD being gone and actually act like I know something about farming and frugality.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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Yeah I can do it but DH and I work against each other on diet. So living with him requires lots of self discipline. He just sits there and starts talking about bread pudding and anything for a sweet tooth. I have been over weight for a very long time but since I have been with him, it’s reached dangerous levels. Plus he is a really great cook.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
You will have to get him on board with the diet plan. It’s hard enough to diet, without all the sweets being shoved in front of you. If he keeps on with the sweets, take your portion and dump it in the trash. Then get a celery stick. He’s got to realize you are serious, losing weight is now a health issue for you.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
You'll get the most benefit from changing the type of oils/fats you use, reducing your overall inflammation (via reducing sugar), and increasing your HDL (via reducing sugar) IMO. The LDL particles were are concerned about for health risks are the small particles that carry oxidized oils that the body can't use. These lodge in inflamed endothelial walls and cause problems. The problem is two parts - the oxidized oils stuck in LDL particles and the inflammation.

A big thing we can do is to switch to oils/fats that are not easily oxidized. The easiest way to remember is hard fat = good, liquid oil = bad. There are 2 exceptions. cold-pressed, unheated olive oil is good, and cold-pressed avocado oil is good. Avocado oil is more stable than other liquid oils and tolerates heating with less oxidation than others. It's also expensive. :(

Coconut oil, butter and any fat you can save and render will be the least expensive ways to switch to stable fats that don't oxidize easily. It takes time for your body to get rid of the oxidized fats already circulating in your LDL.

Going low carb will increase your HDL cholesterol. Some people see an increase in LDL too, but that's because the body is using fats for energy and is TRANSPORTING them. That's the large LDL particles. They do not represent increased risk.

Going low carb will reduce your insulin which reduces sodium retention which reduces fluid retention. If you can reduce your insulin you can lose a lot of weight right away which is encouraging. (and it totally counts) but you will "regain" it if you slip up and increase your insulin. ... and lose it when you get back on track and get insulin down. I retain 4 - 6 pounds of fluid when I eat poorly! Larger people retain/lose more. If you feel dizzy or unwell when going low carb, increase sodium consumption. 5 grams a day is pretty normal on a true keto diet. Easing into low carb is recommended whenever possible.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
What comfort foods can you still enjoy?

Do you like fried collards? I'm from the north so we don't get collards here, but I LOVE spinach cooked in bacon fat or butter! So filling! It makes me feel good physically and it checks off all my boxes for healthy eating.

I like fried eggs too. Eating dietary cholesterol does not increase cholesterol in your blood, and egg yolk is uber-healthy. So use a hard fat and cook up some eggs. Just skip the toast. :hugs


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
You will have to get him on board with the diet plan. It’s hard enough to diet, without all the sweets being shoved in front of you. If he keeps on with the sweets, take your portion and dump it in the trash. Then get a celery stick. He’s got to realize you are serious, losing weight is now a health issue for you.
Yep! It takes repetition by @baymule is right!

DH used to bring home my favorite donuts fresh from the local bakery on Saturday mornings. I asked him not to but he didn't stop. He reasoned that since we/I ate them that he should continue.

I stopped eating them. It was hard at first but I was determined to let him waste the money, leave the bag sit on the counter until HE threw them away. Only took about 3 times and he stopped buying them.

I got him off of junk food by buying flavors I don't like and storing them out of sight. That took a couple years, but he hasn't complained about a lack of junk food for quite some time. He eats junk food at work and eats fas food for lunch most of the time. Whatever, just don't bring it home!

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