Are we living our dream?

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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Do much easier said than done!! Yesterday was torture. So we went to my old house and DH found a few things inside to bring home. I located my sewing patterns and a few other treasures. We bought 2 big rabbits for meat which DH paid enough money that we should have almost been able to call them bucks and used them for breeding but it was to help a friend. My new cell phone was sent to my destroyed house on my previous name. Fortunately my sister found it. We had to work at setting up a brooder at DH’s farm which hasn’t been used in years to prepare for the shipment and then get another brooder for the chicks we put inside the trailer. Won’t do to keep chicks and ducklings together....especially bantams.
So I did get a call from a neighbor who claimed some of our ducks started staying at another neighbors house and they are rather perfect....all grass is exactly 1.5 inches long and the concrete is surgically cleaned, etc... so I wasn’t upset. I just told DH that we have to pen up and asked him if we have any stalls that don’t have rips. Man went nuts and was screaming something horrible. Probably the whole neighborhood heard him. Makes me wish we lived in a cabin in the woods. I tried to calm him down and he doesn’t like that. He basically told me not to ever shut him up again...or else 🤷‍♀️. Always have a Plan B. Let’s just hope it was just a bad day and it’s over. So the worst thing... I found out my DIL has tested positive for COVID. Her oldest is 6 and she has a daughter almost 3 and a 4 month old. I am thinking about going to Fort Polk to care for her and keep the kids away from her.
It feels so strange keeping a house warm with gas heat but that’s what we got here. DH is cleaning a catfish outside. I guess I am off to a late start. His buddies are showing up and I am not even dressed.
I started pinto beans in the crockpot for chili I wanna make, using a small amount of beef and I will add some venison and possibly the 2 bucks to it.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score
2nd night at Fort Polk. Trying to spend as much time with the kids as possible. DIL is feeling better and getting around and I gotta hand it to her...she is trying hard to make sure she doesn’t get the kids sick. KN95 and hand sanitizer all the time.
I just took my first tub bath since before the storm and it was AWESOME.
DH has been calling and texting me so much I am beginning to think he likes me.
I do miss my stuff though. And I am told Trouble started whining as soon as her and DH left me with DS. Maybe I can do this every 3 months for an extended weekend or something. I need some story books though. How you take care of children with no story books?
Good night 😘😴


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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How you take care of children with no story books?
Story books are awesome. When my grands were small and would visit we'd read bedtime stories every night. As they got older they really loved to hear "off the cuff" stories. I'd start a story and get it to an exciting point and then turn the story over to one of the kids and they'd do the same. We'd pass that imaginary story around until it reached epic proportions and was nothing like the original story.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
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mid-Michigan, USoA
2nd night at Fort Polk. Trying to spend as much time with the kids as possible. DIL is feeling better and getting around and I gotta hand it to her...she is trying hard to make sure she doesn’t get the kids sick. KN95 and hand sanitizer all the time.
I just took my first tub bath since before the storm and it was AWESOME.
DH has been calling and texting me so much I am beginning to think he likes me.
I do miss my stuff though. And I am told Trouble started whining as soon as her and DH left me with DS. Maybe I can do this every 3 months for an extended weekend or something. I need some story books though. How you take care of children with no story books?
Good night 😘😴

you start telling them stories from your life. :)

if you can make up rhymes as you go that will make things stick too.

one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish...

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score
Well after a week at the fort I am back home. I wasn’t feeling well so I tested and it was then negative. I had chills and DIL checked my temperature which was only 98.2 but I don’t know because I was tired and freezing cold. I forced myself to do anything I thought needed to be done. I went to bed very early and was out in no time and by the time DH called me from the closed visitors center I was in a sweat. I am coughing a bit. I assume I just need to stick to myself for a few days. The middle child did test positive while I was there. Poor baby.
DS called me on FaceTime from field training like he was freezing to death. It’s currently 36F there and 53F here.
We lost all the ducklings and chicks we ordered for last week and we ordered more and they haven’t yet arrived. I swear if we lose again I will just load the incubator and ask for a refund.
Here is my green beans, cucumber, onion and celery with their friend the Venus Fly Trap.
How do y’all like my version of recycling?


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Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score
I am sure I will eventually turn them in for recycling but if I can get a few meals out of them, I might as well.
I really gotta go in the backyard and take a few pictures of what DH has put together. He said he made a hoop house greenhouse in one day. I hung a batch of clothes and went to it, found my way inside and took a chair and waited for him to join me…all smiles and telling me about his experiences. It’s rather damp and windy and feels colder than it really is but it was okay inside. I told him if it actually makes agriculture easier for older people who have seen better days then it’s awesome. So he spoke about ventilation and ways to keep it warm and we just hung out. It’s framed up with treated 2X8s and cattle panels and covered with clear plastic.

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