Sustainability Master
Chills and fever, I’m sorry you are sick. I hope you get over it quickly. Hope the next batch of chicks survive.
sounds like a fun day in the city. we don't get to the city much, our small town yes (daily to take the kids to school) for weekly trips if needed for gas, farm store or something, but when we do it is fun--for a day.DD here with me. She has zero interest in farming. We are probably going to the city for Chinese food, ink for calligraphy (for her), maybe some kind of fabric for a few pairs of pants for me…God knows I need it. And I want to check out the pawnshop for an adult tricycle. Today might be expensive. Oh and DD wants to go to the skating rink. Don’t even know if it’s open or what.
I love flylady!Maybe flylady can help me out.