Are we living our dream?

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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Momma always cooked cabbage for New Years with salt meat. It was really good and really time consuming. DH and I wear gonna do that but not really anxious to babysit the stove for 7 hours and make the house hot. I found a recipe for cabbage casserole online and I am going to try it via crockpot. Have no idea if it will taste good but it’s supposedly comfort food 🤷‍♀️. Decided to cook another tarte a la boullie but this one is sugar free. Hope I get away with it.
Trouble is hiding under the bed and refused to run this evening because of the fireworks.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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It was actually very good. Creamy. In my culture we cook a lot of things in a roux and when I cook peas I prefer to use field peas over black eye but either way I like cooking them in a roux like as if it’s a fricassee.
I am kinda fighting depression. I miss my house, my dog, my kids, my job, my vehicle....well my youngest is with me because the ex got crazy but it’s sad I have to depend on that. I loose my mind sometimes when everything gets messy for nothing. When you live in a tiny house you can’t just let stuff pile up. Really hard to keep motivated sometimes. I clean the table....messy again. I take a nap and DD and DH cook and the kitchen is a disaster. But it was delicious. It’s just frustrating. I can’t catch a break for anything.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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DH is creating an addition to the house. He is working alone. He says it’s gonna be an art studio. Yeah....he is talented. Some of his art hurts my brain and I can’t look at it. When he is in pain he just draws stuff and from far it looks like one thing but looking closely you see he had to draw many smaller things to make the bigger picture. I prefer when he does people or trees and pelicans.
All the stuff I need to do my simple aquaponics garden is here. I will spray paint the plastic jugs brown first. Gotta ask DH where he put the razor blade.
I will honestly try to keep motivated today long enough to make a difference. It takes a lot to set me off but I don’t like the person I am when I start throwing stuff out the house just because no one understands me.
A lot of my clutter is people have given me their deceased mothers yarn, mason jars and fabric and I really don’t know where to start. I have NEVER lived in such a small house. I think I need to see what I can slip under my bed in boxes.
I think maybe the neighbors have started staying at the house next door. On the opposite It’s the same with business places. We finally have a few burger joints open. But it’s about half and half and the nursing home continues to be empty as well as the hospital. I hope I never see this kind of destruction again.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
DH is creating an addition to the house. He is working alone. He says it’s gonna be an art studio. Yeah....he is talented. Some of his art hurts my brain and I can’t look at it. When he is in pain he just draws stuff and from far it looks like one thing but looking closely you see he had to draw many smaller things to make the bigger picture. I prefer when he does people or trees and pelicans.
All the stuff I need to do my simple aquaponics garden is here. I will spray paint the plastic jugs brown first. Gotta ask DH where he put the razor blade.
I will honestly try to keep motivated today long enough to make a difference. It takes a lot to set me off but I don’t like the person I am when I start throwing stuff out the house just because no one understands me.
A lot of my clutter is people have given me their deceased mothers yarn, mason jars and fabric and I really don’t know where to start. I have NEVER lived in such a small house. I think I need to see what I can slip under my bed in boxes.
I think maybe the neighbors have started staying at the house next door. On the opposite It’s the same with business places. We finally have a few burger joints open. But it’s about half and half and the nursing home continues to be empty as well as the hospital. I hope I never see this kind of destruction again.
Small house living is hard. Every bit of storage matters. It's okay to pass some supplies on to others who can use it for good. When you are ready, karma has a way of bringing more to you. :hugs

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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Hi. I don’t try to be so depressing. I have good days and then trying days and just hope more for one more than the other 🤷‍♀️
My sleeping pattern has been really messed up lately. Last night I got really sleepy fast and I was out early...maybe too early because I got up at 1:30AM. I started tackling the dishes and fixed butter milk and took melatonin because I had every intention of going back to bed. I was listening to audiobooks (helps me rest) and I planted more tomato, cucumber and green bean seeds in the plastic container I have been using which now has coffee grounds and egg shells mixed in.
As for the aquaponics project I put a milk jug planter I made with the top in river pebbles with 4 bean sprouts and some Miracle Grow and it actually looks great. I also have a cucumber sprout in a half gallon jug done the same. I could have done it like the lady in Nifty’s post and wrapped with aluminum foil but I am too cheap so I just bought a brown spray paint. I probably made some major mistakes sprouting in the beginning and now I’m not gonna drown everything. I am anxious to have more sprouts.
So DH ends up waking up before I went back to bed and he wants coffee so yeah...we ended up bringing Trouble for a run a little after 4:00. Sugar cane must be totally harvested in the back. I can see really far away.
So on either side of the road is mustard full of yellow flowers but the seed pods are still not full. I got my eyes on them. I want a bunch of those seeds. So DH told me there is a reason they plant mustard. He said when it floods you can’t see where the road is and the mustard helps you not drive into the canals. No one much ever harvests the mustard. I didn’t know it had a purpose besides food. 🤷‍♀️
So I just saw Ideal Hatchery has a sale on hatchery choice bantams for $1.75 each. I am thinking about getting 50 chicks. It’s for the hatch on the 12th. I figured I could pickle tiny eggs, have help incubating and do everything I normally do only small.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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I always feel like I earned an A+ after I manage to put fresh sheets on the bed. Had trouble sleeping last night and I know it’s getting late but I think the sheets will help me relax. I was just reading to settle down a bit and wait for the feet to stop grieving me. I can dream of bantams and ducks. We ordered 50 of each so we need to warm up the brooders tomorrow. We also gotta make nests for the rabbits which I think were bred on December 16th. Really hope we get some good litters. If I understand correctly Tom is gonna buy some meat rabbits to help a friend out tomorrow..maybe that can be ground up with venison and mixed with beef for chili. I swear the beef is so expensive. Well nighty night.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Chicks....not here, not this early. I'm looking for some eggs, close enough to pick up, to add different blood to my birds this year. Maybe at a big chicken swap early spring. Roos will be freezer camp boys. I can't do rabbits....cute factor 😔

But gardening with big plans in 2022. 😁 my canner is ready!

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