Yay for lockdown! I just put 10 Indian runner duck eggs in my incubator a couple of hours ago. Sounds like your doing good with development! Watch that temp!
I will. When I got up this morning the temp was 104 But It has the previous temp below and it was 99. So it hadn't been it for long, hopefully it will go good.
1. Got the garden tilled and weeds busted yesterday, earliest ever.
2. Seedlings are looking better
3. I actually have baby rabbits
4. I have 3 chicks and many peeps
5. Going calf shopping saturday
1. I won my Regional Contest Today and will compete at the state level!!!
2. I have 5 BSLs, and 6 Buff Orp chicks now. With more hatching!!! No ducks yet though!!
3. Our strawberries are out and ready. ALL 55 of them!!!!!! we still need about 6 more to finish the bed
4. I got manure spread this evening on the mater ground, with my FREE trailer I got in the fall.