Always doing laundry
Mine eat a lot but don't seem to eat a lot of feed. They seem to forage more than my other breeds. Hubby really likes them too and that's saying a lot.
I would love to get some buff brahmas they are so pretty....We'll see how my other newbies go with the laying. I like my black australorp and the others are really just a fluke. I had to buy a minimum of 6 so we got two of each kind they had. We have two red sexlinks that have names and hubby refuses to let me get rid of them in any shape or fashion.
I have to order more ducks in the spring so I may try to sneak in some new brahmas and then sell off my extras come spring time. Hubby is gonna kill me either way cause he keeps saying "no more birds" but you know how that goes
I would love to get some buff brahmas they are so pretty....We'll see how my other newbies go with the laying. I like my black australorp and the others are really just a fluke. I had to buy a minimum of 6 so we got two of each kind they had. We have two red sexlinks that have names and hubby refuses to let me get rid of them in any shape or fashion.
I have to order more ducks in the spring so I may try to sneak in some new brahmas and then sell off my extras come spring time. Hubby is gonna kill me either way cause he keeps saying "no more birds" but you know how that goes