Bee~ Journal of then...

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
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Puget Sound, WA
Farmfresh said:
Your have said it all about a good dog Bee. My guardian when I was a kid with chickens was Tramp. He was half German Shepherd and half Siberian Husky cinnamon and white in color. We NEVER worried about our livestock. No need. Chickens free ranged, cats and little dog and horses never a worry in the world. Anything out of place and we knew about it, because he would either "take care" of the problem or come get us (for example a horse with a leg stuck in a fence).

I have posted elsewhere about my Modern Game hen Hoppy, that had a damaged leg and hopped everywhere - well Tramp was her special caretaker. He would even share his food with her. I have seen her take a piece of bread out of his mouth!

As for stray dogs, I have never seen a better dog fighter. As a (bad) kid I used to sic him on packs of dogs - just to watch him whip them all. When he got so old and arthritic he could hardly even walk I saw him take a 120 or so pound young strong German Shepard that came on to our property. He sat shifted back in a "humility" pose whining and blinking his old near blind eyes until just the moment, then he shifted like lightning and caught the young dog by the jugular, nearly killing him before I could get him to release.

Kind as a nurse maid to children and guests. Ever vigilant against a would be trespasser. And an adopted stray as well. He set the bar so high I have never found a dog to better him.
That is such a sweet story!!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Farmfresh said:
Still makes me tear up thinking about Tramp. We had him about 14 years! The vet said he was ancient, because he was an adult when he came to our door hungry.

I also think a dog knows when he is saved by his people. They go above and beyond to pay you back.
I was tearing up too, Farm! :( Jim was the closest thing I'll ever have had to a good husband....the dog worshipped the ground on which I trod. I think you are right, I think dogs know who saved them. Jimmy and I clicked the first night I met him and that oddly human relationship was constant until he died of cancer.

He was the mostly oddly human dog I've ever encountered....everyone else thought so too. He was known throughout our town and everyone loved him. I had to publish his death in the paper because it hurt so bad having to tell it each time someone called to find out where he was and why he hadn't visited them.

He had his own set of dog friends and people friends that he cultivated and was separate from our relationship.....I was always surprised to meet folks who knew my dog but didn't know me! He would watch TV with some, play with the kids of others, walk other's to the store, he went through the bank drive thru each day for his dog biscuit and he hitched a ride with my neighbor when he came home from the local deli.

I would come home to find him sitting upright in my front porch swing, calmly swinging back and forth and watching cars go by....just like he had been waiting there for me all day. :)


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Tramp was "known in the town" as well. Known as the green dog - for his fondness of rolling in horse poo! :lol:

He used to accompany us on our horseback rides through the city (and sometimes the drive through burger stand! :p) He watched over us always.

One trip my friend and I stopped at the local grocery store to get a soda. Friend went inside to buy the pop and Tramp and I were in charge of the horses. This particular grocery store offered a load out service where a person could pull up their car and have their groceries loaded for them. On this particular occasion, while I was waiting with the horses, an old lady pulled up in her brand new Cadillac to pick up her groceries. As soon as Tramp saw the open car door he was ready for a ride. :gig :lol:

I thought the old lady was going to have a heart attack on the spot, when she turned around and saw the smiling smelly GREEN dog in her back seat! And it took a while to get him OUT of her car ... he hadn't had his car ride yet! :lol:


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
That is so funny, Farm! :lol: And so like Jim! My neighbor, a wealthy widow lady, drove a huge, new Cadillac to the store and would come out to find Jim sitting next to it, waiting for a ride home. And she would give it! :p Smelly dog right in the seat beside her....never ceased to amaze me how many different kinds of folks liked that dog. Like my mom, who generally doesn't like smelly dogs of any kind and my dad, who usually won't have one on the property because of the poop piles.... :rolleyes:

Update on Blossom and Shade: I went to check them in the breeding fields and they seem much healthier looking than last I saw them. And the fella said she could come home! :celebrate

Shade is no longer red but is kind of a dun color and is losing her baby coat....she will be a black cow. :( Found out today that her dad is really a purebred Angus and not a Simmental cross, as I was told by Blossom's former owner.

Blossom was happy to see me and looks filled out and sassy. She is covered with flies, so I can't wait to get her home and get her some fly relief.

It will be interesting to see how Shade and Hitch get along now. :/


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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All of our dogs, except one, were strays that we saved (total of 14), and only one was a good dog, well maybe three, if you count Holly and Izzy, but they don't compare to your stories at all. :lol:
Beautiful stories though!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Someone asked me the other day for more pics of my place but I don't have any recent ones. I do have, however, a few pics of one of my favorite views in the area and a few pics of the center of my heart.

The day I took these was a hazy day, so you can't see the Blue Ridge Mountains in the distance as well as usual. This place is called Germany Valley and these pics are from the overlook on the mountain above my house.



My youngest~soon to come back from basic training~ sitting on my tiny mother, 74 yrs old, who still does cartwheels across the yard on her birthday each year. The boys call her The Old Bat and she gives them Bat Bites instead of kisses.


My middle boy~ who just shipped out to basic training~ making sure that The Old Bat will never walk again! :lol:


Just a few pics of some of my favorite things....


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
Those are wonderfull photos.
I love the views, reminds me of home - upstate New York. Gives me the same nostalgic feeling as your house.
Your mother sounds like my grandmother. She did headstands until about 6 months before she died from brain cancer. Gotta love 'em. Hope to grow old and feisty like she did!

Great pics of your sons with grandma, I mean the old bat. She looks like a great woman.

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