Bee~ Journal of then...


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Wonder why it caused such an uproar? If they read closely it doesn't have anything to get mad over....but then, there is always someone who thinks their take on the scriptures is the one true perception, isn't there? :rolleyes:

The over all message of the book was wonderful and a blessing to read!

Ironic that the book even covers the issue of church as an institution and all the getting bogged down in rhetoric. :p


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
BB, its a fictional book about a man with old hurts from a drunken father who beat him and his mother. This man grew up into a man who was a Christian, a family man. His youngest daughter was kidnapped and brutally murdered and he was angry at God, as anyone human would be. The book is about this man having a chance to meet God face to face and get a chance to have it all explained to him. It has wondrous descriptions of what Heaven may look like and descriptions of the nature of God himself.

For anyone who wonders why bad things happen and why people suffer, it answers many questions. Of course, its a work of fiction and isn't from divine prophesy....but it seemed right on the money to me.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Beekissed said:
Hey, you know, my mom was sort of the enemy once for me too....she was Dad's puppet.
My dad was that way. If he had just objected to anything or put his foot down sometimes, it might have not gotten as bad as it did. I was very angry with him for a long time. Now I see that he was too weak and so just avoided the conflict as much as possible. My mom was certifiably crazy, but for what ever reason my dad really loved her. He thought that loving her was always giving her what she wanted - even if that thing was totally irrational and hurtful to others.

My eyes were opened about this a few years back. She had to die and enough time pass to let some of the healing begin before I could even approach a thought like that.

Glad you already have the understanding needed about your mom.

By the way how are the placement leads coming for Blossom. Didn't you have a place that was interested in her a while back?



Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Well, I didn't want to offer her for sale until I get her nice and glossy/fat again. She's looking a little rangey again from being up on pasture and getting bred. I'm going to feed her up a little and put an ad in a couple of places.

Don't worry, when folks see her back in my yard again, the questions will come back up! Everyone thought I had sold her already because she wasn't there! :lol:

Hey, Farm.....that book I mentioned might be something you want to check out. It really helped me understand why my father is the way he is and it helped me see, or rather, re-affirmed my beliefs about what comes of that. The part where the guy gets to see his dad again and tell him that he forgives him had me sobbing.

I have done what you have done...just avoided my dad as much as possible because there is really no changing that craziness at all. The best one can do is love/forgive and stay out of firing range. :rolleyes:


Lovin' The Homestead
Feb 22, 2009
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Bee and FF,..the book is a good read. I bought it last winter and read it. It is one of those that you cannot put down. It had me crying and some giggles along the way. It does make you understand "things". It is so good I actually got my mother to read it and she hates to read! I know, hates reading,..thats awful! :hu

I lost my older brother about 14 years ago, put a lot into perspective for me.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Me too, UTC! :) For years I was mad at God for bad things that had happened to me and since then I've reconciled my faith once again, but this book explained so much for me that I hadn't even considered. I cried all the way through it and a lot of those tears were not sadness or empathy tears, they were tears of revelation and discovery.

I couldn't put it down either....and if you can get it on audio, it is such a powerful book when read TO you.

I want my mother to read it also, as Mom's dad was like Mac's dad.....drunk and very abusive. He used to line up her and her sisters when they were little....and I mean little...and throw knives at their bare feet~pinned my Aunt Betty to the floor once. He had 3 separate families in the same area and he molested most of the girls and his mother had molested the boys and the girls. Horrible childhood! :(


Lovin' The Homestead
Feb 22, 2009
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Bee it sounds like your mom has had a hard life. Sometimes it is so hard for some of us to even imagine what some of our elders had to endure growing up. My mother had an abusive father also, he drank a lot and could be physically abusive, but always was mentally hard on them. Then she ends up marrying the first one that comes along to get out of one bad situation and ends up in another. My father has been awful over the years, mentally abusing my mother and his four children. My brother who passed away 14 years ago was an alcoholic. He drank due to issues with my father. He dropped a cigarette in his bed and it smoldered and filled the trailer with smoke. He was so drunk he couldn't get out of the trailer,..he tried, but he didn't make it. He died to smoke inhalition. The coroner said even if he hadn't died from it he had so much alcohol in him, he would have died from alcohol poisoning. My father didn't straighten up when this happened. He spends his time now feeling sorry for himself for what all he has done to others,especially my poor brother,...he is full of regret and it is eating him alive. Even still he still treats us all like crap, he never learned a thing. I was mad that my brother died in vain, and it was all my fathers fault. This book(The Shack) helped me understand a little more. It still is a mess of a life, but it did help. I am sorry for going on about this,....sometimes it just feels good to let it out. I hope all works out with your mom and she gets the peace she deserves in her life. I hope the same for my mother,..she deserves it too.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I'm wondering if we are not related, UTC? My dad is the exact same way to my mother and he comes from Wyoming Co........ :/

Same story, different house. Isn't it weird that there are so many men with that background and then go on to become abusers to their wives? My dad was abused, my mom was abused, and then they married and he dished it out and she took it....those old patterns.

I don't mind anyone talking too long on my porch, UTC! :D I like to think of my theoretical porch as being sort of like The Shack.....a nice place to sit and solve the world's problems. Its both sad and comforting to know there are so many with the same sad stories out there...... :(

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