Bee~ Journal of then...


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Current pic of me??? Want me to break my brand spankin' new camera? NO WAY! :D :lol:

Mom is not currently with me, as she has to do a lot of sorting, packing, eliminating and selling before she is moving up here. We are shooting for October, if not sooner. We are both very excited! :)

I was very proud of her today, as she finally reared up and took a hard line with the hospital where Dad is a patient. They had been giving all of Dad's medical information to one of my sisters, who just happens to be a nurse~and very mad at mom over this whole thing...and NONE of the info to my mother, who just happens to be medical power of attorney. I told her the magic words to use were "HIPPA violation".

Sure nuff did have some results with those two little words....doctors calling to apologize and very helpfully explain test results and current medications, patient liaison folks calling to see what they can do, etc, etc. :rolleyes:

Well, the little, sweet appley-cheeked lady yanked a knot in their tails and set them straight about who was in charge here and I don't think they will soon forget it! :lol: LOVE that woman! :lol:

I missed you guys also...being away from this forum is like going to another planet. When you come back you feel so out of touch with what is going on that you have to read, read, read until you touch ground once more!

The farmer's market we went to was so beautiful and quaint and the weather was the best that it could possibly have been. Clear, bright skies with a soft breeze. There were four different musicians set up playing good music and all the stands were presented so beautifully it was like those pictures you see in Mother Earth News...incredibly bright and stark colors and shapes all around. I couldn't believe the variety of produce available....nor the prices! Whew! :p

I did get some very...and I repeat...VERY..good prices on some perennials and herbs and so drove home with a truck full of lavendar, lemon grass, rosemary and mums of all kinds.

I also purchased some great organic garlic to plant this fall. I got a large bag of sweet yellow onions to keep in my cellar but did not find any bulk potatoes to purchase except in the local grocery store. I got 50 lbs of white potatoes for $4.99 here and reluctantly bought the icky store-bought taters..... :(

My mother was greatly impressed with the sights, smells and sounds of the market, especially the bread stand. They had a huge stand of every kind of bread you can imagine, just piled up every which away on the tables...fragrant and herbed, cheesed and spiced...anyway one would possibly want their bread.

After seeing all this, she got real excited about helping me get my roadside stand off the ground next spring with selling my skin care products, eggs, honey, veggies and fruit....along with other items I've been wanting to create like dried flower baskets, wreaths, wind chimes, cut flower arrangements, mini quilts and any number of other things I've been wanting to get together.

One thing in particular I'm going to experiment with this fall is apple head dolls...particularly Halloween witches with lambs wool hair. I think the shrunken, brown and twisted little faces will make excellent witches. I'll make a few and decorate my office with one, leave one on the counter display at the local nursing home and maybe one or two other places.

She is very on board with all the work I want to do here and brings to the table a plethora of great tools of all kinds! Gotta love a mom who moves in to your house with her own power tools, huh? :D

We've decided to have a large oval-shaped garden next year! I'll tell ya why later! ;)

Great to be home, folks! :frow

Will type more about my shopping experience later....that was a real eye-opener for me! :ep

OH! And we've decided to name the farm, Starlight Farm instead of Sweetwater. I am designing a beautiful signage for it and will post a pic of the whole thing when done!


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
Wow, you have a lot going on girl! Glad things are going well and that mom is taking control of dad and his health care :)

I love love love the apple heads! I have not thought about those in a million years, made them as a girl scout about a century ago :rolleyes:

Nice to have you back with us :)


Covered in Compost
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
Santa Fe, Tx
:D ooooh! I see a road trip in my future next spring so I can come see your roadside stand! Sounds like you had a awesome time! Glad you are back!


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
So glad things are working out with your mom and dad! It is just a blessing from God.

It will be wonderful to have her living with you. She sounds like she will bring LOTS of fun and ideas to your homestead! :)