This week has been fall cleaning week....I took pictures but am almost too ashamed to post them! The boys and I cleaned a 4x8 wagon load, piled nearly 10 ft. high, of metal items for the bulk trash day tomorrow. We also bagged about 7 large bags of misc. items that needed throwing away. We also burned a huge pile of paper feed bags, boxes, etc.
The wagon is now parked down by the road and it looks like Sanford and Son lives here!
Then we cleaned all the trash and metal out of the cellar that was here when we moved in.
Then we re-tarped and cleaned up, re-stacked all the hay stacks that the cattle had destroyed....found 27 eggs up in the hay. No wonder our egg supplies were slowing down..... :/
Cleaned out dog houses, replenished with sweet smelling hay, took all the old and damaged hay and placed on the garden.
I can't describe to you how good it feels to get things secured and buckled down for the winter! It looks neat and now the chickens cannot possibly get up in the hay stacks and lay eggs, nor can the livestock access the hay by themselves.
What a cathartic thing to do....clean up, straighten up, clean out, neaten up, smooth out the wrinkles, so to speak......
Love it!
Now to hit the cabinets, closets, drawers....
Also will be getting in firewood next week by buying two bundles of reject lumber and cutting it up.
Also need to start juicing apples for canning and for making vinegar. The couple who gave me the chickens will be having a cider press set up at their place and welcome anyone to come and use it....but that is the 3 rd weekend of Oct. I'm afraid that most of the apples will be gone by then!
Also need to scrub down the front porch, repaint the railings, posts and floor. Clean all windows inside and out. Reblack the stove to prepare for selling it. Am buying a newer version of the same stove, as this one's parts are just about worn out.
Bee - please - you are making me feel like a slacker. Oh, wait, I am slacking these days and its not your fault. But I am gonna blame you anyway.
I usually do that fall cleaning thing. And I actually thought about it this past weekend. But never got much past the thought. All the work is not done but I sure do feel rested.
Now I have to think about that cleaning thing again. Maybe if I read your post again I will get motivated.
I went through all of my son's clothes today and got 2 garbage bags full for a friend of mine. I cleaned out all of his dresser drawers too and I am working on cleaning out all of the toys they don't play with.
I am really starting to hate all the clutter.
I can't wait until it gets cool enough to open all the windows and air out the house!!!
It helps that I have two unwilling slaves for labor of this kind! They hate it that I am always thinking of things "to do" and complain often....but then, a mother with a bee in her bonnet is a force to be reckoned with.....
Pretty soon I will have my favorite working partner living with me....THEN watch the dust fly!
Speaking of dust....... That old, nasty hay is making me sneeze!
Time for a meeting of the PISSI.....
Heck, we still have to finish painting the outbuildings, the fences and gates.
Then build a new fence around the garden and one across the orchard...
..and a cupboard in the kitchen, and paint Mom's room, then the living room and eventually my room and the boys' room.
And replace the tile in the bathroom and put down new linoleum in the mud room....
I cleaned kitchen and some kitchen things and some DVD's I need to post on Freecycle. Tomorrow is bedrooms and bathroom. Its raining here so its pretty much inside stuff right now....
Fall cleaning, what is that? I clean every weekend! My wife runs a childcare business in the basement and even though the kiddos are down there the house still gets messy... I'm not talking about dirt and stuff, buy with a dog, a kid, and just the every day amount of crap thrown around, even the smallest amount of items out of place equals a mess to me. I guess I'm anal retentive in that respect. but, who notices right?!
Wow! Arent you a busy gal!? I think I need to be doing alot of things like that too but this fall Wedding is consuming most of my energy. Just a couple more weeks and it will be OVER!! YAY! back to my life!