Well, insomnia strikes again, but for a different reason, by far.....
My dad isn't doing too well at the state mental facility and we feel so helpless to stop or change his current care. Mom is going to put her little foot down tomorrow but we are not sure it will get results. I wish I were his medical power of attorney....let's just say the ****e would be hitting the world's biggest fan right now.
They started the man on Depakote a couple of weeks ago...I'm assuming for behaviours. They have over-medicated him with a pretty crappy med. He walked in there vigorously healthy but very confused and delusional.
He is now shuffling, all bent over, lethargic, trembling, has bilateral edema to feet and legs, is hallucinating and can't even remember his own kids. He can't stay awake and can barely walk.
This, my friends, is why I hate my profession and all the medical bozos connected with it! I'm sorry, but there isn't a smiley available to convey how angry and sickened I am with the level of care that is being provided for this sick old man.
We are trying desparately to get him into a regular facility. It's not happening fast enough. It would take me days to tell you all the things that have happened at this hospital he is in and how horrible this experience has been for my mother and my father.
He is obviously toxic on this med and they shouldn't have started it anyway without a liver function panel and then monitoring his blood levels along the way. Depakote is NOT a good drug and, IMO, a last resort drug. It wasn't a good choice then and clearly is a potentially fatal drug right now. My Dad has never had swelling in his feet in his whole life, not to mention the other symptoms.
God will take care of Dad and I know this, but I can't help but feel angry and just sickened over how anyone could do this to their patient. THIS is the primary reason I hate nursing.....because there are so many lazy, uncompassionate, inconsiderate, selfish, and downright mean-spirited people masquerading as nurses out there. And I have to work along side with, witness the horrible results of, and be painted with the same brush as these creatures.
THE SHORT LIST: They have let him walk around in dirty clothing when he would be mortified to know it...he is a very neat and tidy man. The same clothing he has worn each day for a month now and which, pitifully, he has been attempting to wash out in the sink each night. We didn't realize that was the reason he was looking so dirty and disheveled....now we know.
They have stolen his shoes~expensive and just happen to come up missing even though they have his name in huge letters inside the tongue.
They expect him to do his own laundry~the man has never operated a washing machine in his life and is diagnosed with DEMENTIA.
They allowed a bully to provoke Dad so much that they got into a fight...in which Dad's new hearing aids were destroyed. Very expensive hearing aids.
They have leaked private medical information to everyone BUT my mother, the only one with the legal right to have this information.
My dad is freezing and complains of being cold all the time but no one has given him extra blankets nor called to tell Mom to bring him a jacket and warmer clothing.
They didn't give him any pain meds and the man has degenerative osteoarthritis in his neck...has lost two vertebrae to this. My mom always gave him an Aleve each morning and evening for this.
He is walking around in soaking wet tennis shoes. We don't know if he is wearing them in the shower or what.
The problem is this....the facility is almost 3 hours away from all of us and we can't get him any closer. Mom is a pretty new driver and she just can't drive up there that often. Phone calls are not returned and requests are not honored, demands are ignored.
I am advising her to call her state attorney general's office in the morning to file a report on a potential abuse situation. This has gone far enough.
Sorry to vent on here.....it's just so frustrating to know what should be happening and to not be able to change what is currently happening. It's times like this I am ashamed to be called a nurse.
Oh Bee, that is awful. He needs a med check fast. Could they put a different Dr on his case? I hope so. At least he has some people that will push to make things right. You seemed like you might need extra hugs over this. Wish I could help you.
Oh Bee, thats HORRIBLE!! I am so sorry that you, your mom, and most of all your dad is going thorugh this. Unfortunately I have to agree with you and say, this is EXACTLY why we kept my grandfather at home, and did home care. It was hard, he had Sundowners...and had to be secured to the bed at night. He couldnt walk alone, and would try to get out of bed, and fall. He had so mant skin tears, we finally had no choice but to secure him at night. Its so hard to see someone you look up to all your life, someone who is strong physically and mentally....deteriorate. I will add your family to my prayers...and hope you are able to get things changed for him. I can't imagine any facility letting these things go on like this. How HORRIBLE! to you and your mom...
Bee, I'm so sorry all of this is happening. What has happened to plain ole' human kindness? I've never gone through anything like this before. Is this something that can be reported to a state board or someone else?
I'm in Ohio! Does The Old Bat need an extra Back Bone to go with her?
It's the medical facilities like that that don't help the system! They mistreat or badly care for a patient, and then wonder why there's soooooooooo many medical malpractice suits!
I discovered something simple that gets results. Write a detailed letter, including both what has happened and what you want to happen, and send copies to the state's attorney, district attorney, whatever they have in that state, to the top person at the facility, the doctors involved, the AMA, and to anyone else in authority that you can think of. We call it a paper trail. Send all the letters registered, with a return receipt. Include in all the letters indication of who else is getting copies. Keep a copy for yourself and one for your mom.
They have to sign for these letters, they can't say they didn't know. They can't ignore it like they ignore your mother in person and on the phone. Have fun!
eta: Be sure to include short deadlines as to when you expect a reply and results!