Bee~ Journal of then...


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
Bee, you and your family are in my heart and prayers. Stories like this one make my heart hurt. It is incredible what they try to get away with when it comes to our elderly. Your dad is blessed to have you and your mom who care enough to make sure this kind of thing doesn't carry on. I will be praying for you! Put it in your prayer basket at that awesome little church you attend! God is with you Bee, in good and bad...and I TOTALLY agree with FarmFresh, that He might have put your family in this situation to STOP the abuse, not only on your poor dad, but on others in that facility. I wish I was closer...I would definitely fight that fight with you!
God's strength and power be with you!


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
If you can be sneaky about it, take pictures...better yet, video. Many cell phones have that capacity now, and are easy to borrow if you don't have one. It is less noticable than a camera, which will get you kicked out REAL fast, I am willing to bet!

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
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Puget Sound, WA
Bee, I'm so sorry!! :hugs

I would also be there taking photos...of everything! Free has very, very good advice.

I just don't understand how other human beings can do this or allow someone else to do this to their fellow human beings. :somad It makes me sick to my stomach with anger to read what they have done AND allow to be done to your father. :somad


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Update on the situation: BTW, you folks are the most awesome group of people I've ever had the honor to meet. I'm crying as I write have no idea how dear you all have become to me! :love We are soooooo much alike on here that it's like having a bunch of sisters you've never actually met.

I got on my fighting shoes this morning, after staying up all night building a fury. It takes a lot to make me mad....I'm like Aly...once you've flipped the switch, Hell hath no fury to compare it! :/

I called my mother after she had phoned the facility to try to get this med stopped. The nurse, poor Archie, told her to call back on Monday, there was nothing he could do about it.

POOR, deluded, ignorant, selfish, lazy man....tsk, tsk, tsk. Poor man that is now probably changing his jockey shorts right now...... :cool:

I called. I started out nice and listed all the reports I had received and asked what he could do about it. When he snarkily stated he already told my mother he couldn't call the doctor and she would have to do it on Monday....well, this is when poop of Blossom's proportions hit the fan at about 200 mph in this man's face. :lol:

I couldn't possibly tell you everything I said but I basically informed the man that, as a nurse, I know EXACTLY what he is supposed to be doing in this situation.

I insulted his professional assessment skills when he said he couldn't tell any difference in Dad's condition since he first came there.

I informed him that he better treat that man like he is his own father from now on and he better pray, down on his knees tonight, that someone takes care of his actual father better than he has taken care of mine. :rant

I said magic words like Hippa violations, Attorney General and state investigation, malpractice, license suspension and I spoke them slowly and succinctly, so there would be no misunderstanding. :rolleyes: :duc

I then told him that my mother is Dad's medical power of attorney, with emphasis on POWER and that, if she wanted the man fed a lollipop at the stroke of midnight each night.....he better darned well do it! :somad

I also told him to never, EVER piss on my mother's face and tell her it's raining again. Get on the horn, call your physician on-call and do your job!!!! :he

He was stuttering and spluttering and begging me to "just have your mother call me".

When mother called back the doctor was on the line and butter wouldn't melt in her mouth....she did everything mother requested and Dad is no longer taking that med, he is taking the med I wanted him on in the first place. :/

Monday morning, heads roll.....I'm not stopping until they are wrapping that man's satin, tying it with a bow and begging us to send him to another facility! :somad

I told that mother is a little old lady with a phone...and no job. She can speed dial that phone all day long and I'm going to show her exactly who to call. I have a large family and they will ALL stand up in court and refute your limited powers of assessment, two of us are nurses. AND you better CYA in that chart, honey, cause ****e rolls down hill and the nurse is always at the bottom! :D

I feel sooooooo much better this morning...... :)

I think you are all correct...I think God orchestrates these things sometimes. Maybe this is the reason I've had to stay in this hated profession all these years.....just for this moment in time. So that maybe someone else won't have to go through this too.

I'm even thinking of finding out what education I may need to make this my go around and police these facilities and make sure nurses are doing their jobs. Who better than a nurse to do this? One who has worked at the bottom and seen all the nitty gritty details?

I'm all for the grassroots movement also....that would just about be the trigger that would awaken me from my political slumbering.

Towanda! The amazing amazon woman!!!! (Fried Green Tomatoes reference :D )

Getting mad is soooooo cleansing sometimes. :p


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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:clap THAT'S GREAT!!!! Glad you got somewhere!

I'm still on call, so don't be afraid to call if you need it! Athens is only a 3 hour drive, betcha I could make it in 1.5-2 (barring no cops around!) so if you're Mama needs someone there in a hurry..........


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
:ya You go, girl! I really think you can be much more powerful as a relative than in a job capacity....but what do I know about such things....worth looking into, anyways! I would still follow up with all the letters, ready to send out on Monday if things don't change RAPIDLY and COMPLETELY. Send a different version if you get results with your dad. They need a major investigation raining down on their heads PRONTO! :rant


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I'm sending the same version, free. These people are doing this to everyone's loved ones, not just mine. I don't want revenge or justice...I want CHANGE. I want them to remember this....painfully, if needed...but they need to remember they can't be this careless and selfish with people and get away with it. :somad

Aly and 2Dream, I will definitely call you! I don't have a purple pantsuit, but I will fight nonetheless! :p

It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings and I haven't sung a note yet! ;)


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
I was outraged to hear about their treatment of your father!! And everyone else there, I would presume. Way to go! You are woman, hear you roar! It is so rage-inducing when helpless elderly and helpless children are treated badly. So glad that you have scared the crud out of them :D

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