Improvising a more SS life

Taking pictures is a very good idea too.
Can they do the liver panel/any other tests needed there or will he need to be have that done outside?
Me too!I can get there fast! I am a nurse ....for 20 years now. I am ready to kick butt also!2dream said:Bee, how awful. I know thats tough for your family. And your poor dad. How can people do that to another human being?
I will gladly break out my purple pant suit (ref. your married or single thread) and come help you clean house at that facility. Airfares are cheap and I can be there in a few hours. Seriously.
No person, especially an elderly ill person should be treated in such a way. I amfrom reading your description of how your dad is being treated.
Elder abuse abounds in this country. And you are just the one to put a stop to it at this facility. I agree with Farmfresh. You will be saving others as well. Its a safe bet that your father is not the only one being treated this way.
Edited to add - for under 500 dollars I can come dressed to do battle.
you sounded just like my dear mil, an RN for over 40 years before she went to be with the Lord in the early 80s. I wanted to cheer and cry at the same time.THIS is the primary reason I hate nursing.....because there are so many lazy, uncompassionate, inconsiderate, selfish, and downright mean-spirited people masquerading as nurses out there. And I have to work along side with, witness the horrible results of, and be painted with the same brush as these creatures.
I don't know, but it doesn't matter...they can have them done and back the next day.Can they do the liver panel/any other tests needed there or will he need to be have that done outside?
Hon, I'll be too old to be on your side!MorelCabin I am so glad things changed for your dad! When I get old I want you on my side!