Bee~ Journal of then...


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Nope...this fella's work is legendary...or infamous...whichever way you look at it! :/ He introduces himself as "Squirrel".....nuff said. :rolleyes: He looks like something from Deliverance..clothes and all! :p

The last time he hooked up a phone for me, my neighbor's number would come up on my mom's caller ID and it charged all the calls to my neighbor. Then he "fixed" it.....and the house behind me that is abandoned and owned by an absentee doctor was the source of my calls. I still got the bill but my number came up as Dr. So-and-so all the time. This guy has a job????? With so many out of work, it seems a shame! :(


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Wow Bee, good to see you are still warm and wiggly. :p
We have the same issues, but with the meter readers for the Electric. We have 2 meters, one for the house, one for the shop. If its muddy, the guy wont go down the drive for the shop, but "guesses" the meter. I finally got fed up and called to complain...when our normally $12.00 electric bill for the shop, was $78.00! ( after it dried up) I had a few words for them that I am sure gave them he never misses a beat! LOL Maybe they hired a mailman...rain, hail, sleet or snow, he drives up the drive, to read the meter. :p
Sounds like "squirell" needs to find another glad you have those great dogs to keep ya'll safe.
I would love to have ya come visit...not that our place is very interesting...but just to meet ya and feed ya! ;) No one leave here hungry...its a "mom thing" My mother used to say, " If you leave here hungry, its your own fault, there is always plenty put out to fill your gut" Jeesh I miss her cooking. :/


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Just, it would be an experience of a lifetime for me to get to travel the US in search of all you SS folks and get to meet you first hand, maybe help you chore your place, sit and have a meal, take pics, jaw all night on the porch.....sounds like heaven to me! :D

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
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Puget Sound, WA
I feel the same way too Bee. :)

BTW, once I was waiting for the cable guy between the hours of 12-4. :rolleyes: The guy pulled into my driveway (my car was in the garage) and then pulled right back out. Then 4:00 rolled around and I called the company. They said he said nobody was home. OOOH I threw a fit b/c I had to take time off of work to do meet him there!! I convinced them to send him back out to my house that evening. The guy came back and I asked him about the lie he told. He sheepishly told me that it "looked" like nobody was home. :rolleyes:


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Beekissed said:
Here's what I've been thinking for this little book series of mine....the third book could be a modern day Foxfire, where I travel to all of your places and do a chapter on each of you! Each could demonstrate a learnable skill, photos could be taken of the step by step and pics of your homes and SS life could be included. How cool would that be? And I could get to meet everyone and everyone could get a cut of neat would that be?
I called the phone company and asked what house he visited, as it wasn't mine! :duc Bat was there all day, no one came to our house, no tracks in the snow to our outside box...nothing! The lady at the company was quite apologetic about the whole thing, but this takes the cake! Thank God for snow and dogs that bark when folks come....we would know if a repair man came to our house. :rolleyes:

Anyhoo....just glad to be back and see you all...even if it's only on here! :love
And we are glad to have you here as well! We miss you when you are gone.

I think the book #3 idea is GREAT. I can't wait until you come visit me! :celebrate I bet the publisher will even pay your traveling expenses! :lol:

We had a UPS delivery much like your phone guy.

I was home all day and nothing, but when I went out the door there was a little note that claimed they tried to deliver. When I called to complain, the person said that the UPS delivery guy had claimed he "knocked" on my door and no one was home so he left the note.

I told them that no one EVER knocked on my door that day I was home all day and I would have heard it. They were standing by their man and basically claiming I had just missed the knock. So... I told the UPS person to listen, then I knocked on the table. BOTH of my dogs came screaming and barking around the corner to the front door, snarling and basically going nuts, because they thought someone was at the door. Even over the phone the person could clearly hear the ruckus. "See" I told them, "That is how it sounds when someone knocks at my door. I couldn't have missed that!" Eyes opened now they apologized and actually sent my package on a special truck later that day!

I worry about your firewood problem. I know that you will work something out. You all are pretty hard core survivors. Are the roads around you still pretty bad?


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
The mountain that we cross to get the lumber is pretty greasy still but it may be better by tomorrow.

I am trying not to guess from whence the next firewood will come.....none for sale here and all the woods are snowed in. But I know God will provide and I refuse to worry about it all.

Next year I will be having a timber truck load dropped in the front yard...they will do that around here for around $350-$400. That should be enough wood for quite awhile. I could have done that this year but I was thinking I would get some from the firewood ministry and then all this stuff happened with my mom and dad and I let other opportunities pass me by.

Now, I'm wishing I hadn't...but..never fear. God keeps me warm one way or another! :)

This whole "I tried but they weren't home" thing must be an epidemic....I've had that happen to me also. Can't imagine lying so easily. :(


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
No such luck! :p We will be cutting and splitting the wood. My mom has a wood splitter on loan to my sis, so we should be able to use it for this task. We will get it dropped early in the season, say end of August/Sept and just work steadily on it as time and opportunity allows until it's all into the storage area.

May even see if we can get one dropped in the spring, after the garden is in the ground so we can get all that wood split and stored before we have to use the front yard for selling produce. Not sure but it will be something like that.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
We've been scrounging for wood too. We actually can get all the wood we want from my DD, but it hasn't been covered and is very wet. FIL told us today that he had some wood for us. so we'll be heading out to his place and picking it up this weekend, hopefully. Even if it is wet, we're hoping it will be drier than the wood we have been getting at DD's. At least all of this wood has been cut. So we can get it dried out a bit and it burns allright.

I haven't even seen any pallets available for free lately. I guess lots of folks around here are scrounging for firewood.
And we have no burn days!!!


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
I love book #3...sounds like a fun time! Of course I don't have anything to offer other than a nice meal and some laughs ;) but the idea of traveling around to spend a day with each person sounds like a great adventure!

Stay warm now, we don't want to hear about a frozen Bee & Bat on the news!

Hey, did you notice that your little *friend* vanished? Must have gotten a nice little reprimand ;)

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