Bee~ Journal of then...


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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That is just disturbing that they would pass out abortion certificates!! :(


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
Bee I read that article. Actually - not to argue but just to tell you what I read so please don't take this wrong. The whole thing is a gift certificate about womens health care. They are from $25 to $100 certificates. They can be used for anything from birth control pills, to pap smears and yes I guess if someone was 25 to 100 bucks shy of the amount needed for an abortion yes it could be used for that but that was not the original idea. The original idea was for general health care visits for so many women who might forego an annual check up due to money problems, especially this time of year.
Because the organization is Planned Parenthood it was jumped on immediately. Like I said. Not trying to agrue, just thought I would throw in what I read on ABC News website.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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wow when I read that in your post abortion certificate! Yikes I thought it was disturbing also. Really creeped me out.

but when 2 dream expanded on it, I do feel least it is for health care in general as she described. That would be a nice gift to give someone, health!

I do know what you mean. it is unsettling how mankind in general is trashing our own way of life. will we ever learn?


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 10, 2008
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Upper Peninsula, MI
Beekissed, I loved the Left behind series. I started reading it fearfully. By the time I got to the end, I was and am excited about end of days. I pray I will not be "left behind", But if I am then I feel it will just give me a chance to prove my love for my Father and help other people.

I know all about work. I have to sign off here most days cuz I am geting behind in my work. Yah, and going home in the dark, well not dark but just about. Plus hubbys laid off so he gets to sit home all day doing nothing :duc :barnie :he

I am glad you are back.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Thanks, 2Dream! I just got my mom's take on the thing and she gets a little excited about these things. I don't get to see much that happens on the news and, frankly, feel much better when I don't!!! :D

Thanks, Roo! It will take me awhile to get time to read up on all of your journals and get back in the know, know what I mean?

Yeah, I know what you mean about what person would do if they were left behind but the books don't get bogged down with the details like where is everyone getting toilet paper, detergents, etc. when all commerce is disrupted and 1/4 of the world's population has died. I would have liked to hear about all those things in the books as well. I guess that's why they call it fiction! :p Still....they are so fascinating a read that I can't put them down!!! :)

I talked to a lady today about one of her cousins who had been 46 and pregnant for the first time. The doctor tried to get her to sign a paper when she went for her amniocentesis that, if the baby is deformed in any way, mentally or physically, she would abort the baby. One step closer to it being mandatory to do so, I would say. The lady had a miscarriage anyway, so God took care of that, just as it should be.


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
It's unbeleivable what our medical proffession will talk us into nowdays huh? If it's not perfect then we better dispose of it...what a sad way of looking at things. I really am against the abortion clinic handing out these gift certificates...even if they "include" womens health...I am sure that many of them will be used for all the wrong reasons. Sad but true.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
:DMy sis was contacted about the children's book she wrote about her little pig. A bigger publishing company contacted her and wants to redesign her book and market it nationally. Same company that did the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys books. Good news for her!

Well, my egg production went up by 100% since we decreased the size of my pop door so the sneaky, egg-sucking evil hound can't steal my eggs! I think my 5 mo. olds are laying! :celebrate

I'm going to redesign my old coop for maximum efficiency and cut out another pop door on the opposite side so my chickens can access the field next door. I'm putting in different roosts that are bigger and will free up my floor space more and moving the nesting boxes to a lower and more-conducive-for-laying spot in the coop.

I'm thinking of eventually researching the local area to see if there is a market for meat rabbits. If there is, I plan to put a few cages suspended from the ceiling of the coop and get a few does and a buck. I've used this method before in my henhouse and it worked out great. I want to get into this whole stacking of livestock on small acreage, like Joel Salatin describes. If I get my lean-to built on this winter, I can put the cages outside in the summer, inside in the winter. Think of all the great poo for my garden and lean meat I can sell.

So, to keep things updated, this year I am adding these things to my 1+ acre homestead:

Reartine tiller

2 market piglets to raise to market size while tilling my garden spaces! (Approx. 6 mo. to market size, so will be starting in Jan.)

2 Dorper ewe lambs

Solar fence charger and electric fencing for garden and to rotate grazing parcels.

A lean-to shed at the end of my row of buildings so I can store hay and have a pen for the sheep or pigs if needed, and the sheep will have a place to lounge this next winter.

A grow-light stand for my seedlings.

The plan will be to fence off each garden bed, in turn, and start out the weanling pigs to tilling up my beds while adding their own "nitrogen" to the soil. By the time they are ready for more space, they can till up the bottom half of the garden where I will be doing row cropping instead of permanent pathways. They will finish up in May and June in, what is now, my chicken run and they can get it all rooted up and tilled up. That is the place I will plant my pumpkins this year(Approx. 10 ft x 75 ft)!

The chickens will spend the garden season in the neighbors field, freeranging.

The lambs will be fenced into the orchard and rotated through a grid of electric fenced paddocks for the month of April and then moved to the bottom of the yard for May and then back to the orchard rotation. I am attempting to rotate graze like Joel Salatin, so as to improve my overall grass quality and production. This way my grass will be mowed more efficiently and become more healthy and nutritous for the sheep. Its all in his book "Salad Bar Beef" and, though it may be more geared towards cows and their grazing habits, I would like to utilize this method as well.

I'm sure I will think of more and I can only pray to accomplish all this by spring....we'll see!


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
Bee that sounds fantastic. You sound so excited too.

I love raising rabbits even though I have just started. My first litter was only four babies and momma mishandled one and it died then another one fell out of the cage somehow. Still don't know. I can't find a place big enough. Anyway I only ended up with two that will go in the freezer probably in 2 more months.

I love the idea of stacking and considered putting my cages inside my chicken coop. But sure am glad now I didn't. I have 2 bucks and 3 does for breeding and I can not believe the amount of poo they make. I really can not imagine all that inside my chicken house. LOL

What kind of pumpkins are you planning on? I planted pumpkins last year and they made lots of pumpkins but they were so small. Not sure what they were but I saved the seeds from a neighbors big pumpkin that she had for halloween. I hope they come up.

Now if I can just talk my DH into those goats. He will never go for pigs. So I am shooting for goats.

I can't wait to see how you progress. Keep us posted.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
2Dream, I'm going to plant some more of the Rouge D'Etamps...the whole county had a comment on them this year and asked if I was selling them! I also want to try a few other kinds but I don't want to take up my garden space, so I thought, since I won't be using the chicken run this spring, why not? Then I can let them in there at the end of the season to do clean up!

The way I used all the rabbit poo in my coop was to use the deep litter method and coop the chickens for half a day each week so they really turned the bedding looking for dropped rabbit food. This kept the bedding dry and fluffy and it didn't smell! Since chicken poo is a "hot" manure and the bunnies have "cold" poo, it blends very well for the garden.

The more manure I can manufacture, the better my garden. I'm thinking of using the trench fertilizer method this year instead of just spreading it on the top. Just think of the benefit of all that good pig poo that will be tromped in and rooted loose and somewhat cooled off by the time the garden will be planted. And I won't have to do a lick of work to get it that way except carry a few buckets of water and slop a day, move the fencing (simple stakes and wires) and watch the funny little guys get dirty and happy!

I just love reading Joel Salatin and imagining the possibilities! I asked at the local Senior Citizen's about their garbage and am waiting to hear from them. I'd like to collect a few big, plastic totes every other day to supplement the pig's feed. I'm going to ask at the local schools and the group home, as well. Free food for pigs! :weee


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
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East Tenn.

It sounds like you have it all worked out. It is exciting to embark on new possibilites. If you're like me, spring can't come soon enough. Time to get busy outside again.

Good news about your sister's book. I'll bet she is thrilled.

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