Mountain Sage

I agree with the wolf tendencies. The stray dog that came in our yard to be chewed on by my two dogs was a husky breed that had been living wild. Our neighbors managed to capture this shy dog and chained him to a box....saddest thing I've ever seen.
All the neighborhood dogs, including hers, really, really hated this dog and the only reason I could figure was they sensed that wolf-like feel of him.
I would be kind of neat if everyone on here were to list the breed characteristics of their dogs and see how they match their owner's.
The AKC states this about Labs:
True Labrador Retriever temperament is as much a hallmark of the breed as the "otter" tail. The ideal disposition is one of a kindly, outgoing, tractable nature; eager to please and non-aggressive towards man or animal. The Labrador has much that appeals to people; his gentle ways, intelligence and adaptability make him an ideal dog. Aggressiveness towards humans or other animals, or any evidence of shyness in an adult should be severely penalized.