Bubblingbrooks Journey - Salut!


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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Wifezilla said:

P.S. Got the seeds! THANKS!!!
Good! I hope to plant mine this week. Have to get the onions in the garden first though.

I also just put the collective farm women seeds in pots.
My two SILs will be doing the other ones.


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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savingdogs said:
I'm sure the house tour will be fine, don't stress. Just remember they are doing their jobs and dotting "i"s and crossing "t"s.

I started my squashes indoors the other day, crossing my fingers. I'm probably just a bit warmer than you. I also crossed my fingers and moved my transplants outside (that should have gone out last month!) and I saw they made it through a frost last night. They did not predict a frost again for us this week so I was a little worried when I saw the layer of ice on the animal bowls this morning!

I wish I would get a supply of free jars! That is just what I need. Everyone around here seems to be collecting them now.

Remember in your frenzy to get ready for that visit to stop and take time to enjoy that baby. If I were them, I'd be checking on the bond developing between you all as opposed to whether the front porch is swept.
I decided to go ahead and do them. I put them in pots in the window, and I already have a good layer of compost, old hay and manure laid out in long rows in the chicken run that is closed this summer.
As soon as we get the new top soil in, I will add that on top and lightly mix.

I am scared to do winter squash. I have heard of one other person trying them up here, but they just stuck them in the regular garden, and they failed. I am trying my hot manure method, since it helped with the summer squash so much.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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You put uncomposted manure under the bed, right? I think I might do that with my pumpkins, what do you think? I'm making a big giant mound for them because of our drainage issues, I was thinking of putting duck poo at the bottom.


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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savingdogs said:
You put uncomposted manure under the bed, right? I think I might do that with my pumpkins, what do you think? I'm making a big giant mound for them because of our drainage issues, I was thinking of putting duck poo at the bottom.
I put down cardboard, then a good layer of hot poo.
Then leaves, old straw/hay and then dirt. The beds get so much extra heat this way, and by the time the roots get that deep, its turned enough so as to not burn them.

I am doing the melons I am trying this summer that way.
I have raised boxes against the sunny side of the house, There is about a foot of moderate dirt in there, then 3 or 4 inches of fresh chicken manure, followed by moldy hay.
I have black plastic on that right now, and in a couple weeks will add a good amount of good soil on top and then transplant the next week, weather permitting.

I turned over the bed that I did this way last year, earlier this morning, and I was very pleased with the results thus far.

Right now, I am building up a large huglebeet bed to move all my rhubarb into.


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
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FarmerDenise said:
It is nearly impossible to have a farm, a baby and a tidy house ;) I just wonder how those pioneer women did it!
It depends upon the baby probably, but I would say it is impossible. I keep thinking that the pioneer women only had to really do it once . . . after that they usually had at least one extra pair of helping hands . . . and back then the in-laws either lived close and helped or you didn't see them very often.

Plus I think the men tended to be the gardeners and animal husband . . . um . . . husbanders? :gig Anyway, you know what I mean. I think the women spent more time indoors. Am I fooling myself? Anyone know?

The other thing I am always wondering is what kind of things the babies played with back then . . . .

Sorry for the thread hijack, BB.


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
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SW Ontario, CANADA
to go along with the hijack :D My son, who was first, was a very high needs baby. I never got anything done, except to gain some weight, as I was sitting on my butt for most of the day nursing--he was a lazy sucker. and when he wasn't nursing, he was being high maintenance. My dd otoh, when she wa born, I asked my mom what was wrong with her, --she just laid there. My mom, ever so gently informed me that she was normal, DS was not :gig I did mangae to garden and do lotsa thngs when dd wa a baby.


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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I am taking it easy today. After getting ready for the home visit, DH being sick and the goat birth and all night feedings, I need it :lol:
Its raining, and as soon as we get a clear day, I am transplanting all the onion starts that I can cram in.
Hoping to get about 600 or so in the ground. SIL is taking the rest, and I suppose if run out of room, I can sell the extras.

We were talking this morning, how since I have such an easy time starting tomatoes from seed, that I could sell lots of heirloom starts next spring. Making back all of our seed cost would be fabulous!


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
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miss_thenorth said:
to go along with the hijack :D My son, who was first, was a very high needs baby. I never got anything done, except to gain some weight, as I was sitting on my butt for most of the day nursing--he was a lazy sucker. and when he wasn't nursing, he was being high maintenance. My dd otoh, when she wa born, I asked my mom what was wrong with her, --she just laid there. My mom, ever so gently informed me that she was normal, DS was not :gig I did mangae to garden and do lotsa thngs when dd wa a baby.
:lol: I guess I got lucky like you did miss_thenorth. :rolleyes: My mom says that boys tend to nap less than girls in general. At some point soon my boy is going to be sleeping less than I need to at night! :hide

(once again, sorry for the hijack BB)

I have often thought it would be fun (and a good idea) to sell my extra plant starts.

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