Good! I hope to plant mine this week. Have to get the onions in the garden first though.Wifezilla said:
P.S. Got the seeds! THANKS!!!
I decided to go ahead and do them. I put them in pots in the window, and I already have a good layer of compost, old hay and manure laid out in long rows in the chicken run that is closed this summer.savingdogs said:I'm sure the house tour will be fine, don't stress. Just remember they are doing their jobs and dotting "i"s and crossing "t"s.
I started my squashes indoors the other day, crossing my fingers. I'm probably just a bit warmer than you. I also crossed my fingers and moved my transplants outside (that should have gone out last month!) and I saw they made it through a frost last night. They did not predict a frost again for us this week so I was a little worried when I saw the layer of ice on the animal bowls this morning!
I wish I would get a supply of free jars! That is just what I need. Everyone around here seems to be collecting them now.
Remember in your frenzy to get ready for that visit to stop and take time to enjoy that baby. If I were them, I'd be checking on the bond developing between you all as opposed to whether the front porch is swept.
I put down cardboard, then a good layer of hot poo.savingdogs said:You put uncomposted manure under the bed, right? I think I might do that with my pumpkins, what do you think? I'm making a big giant mound for them because of our drainage issues, I was thinking of putting duck poo at the bottom.
It depends upon the baby probably, but I would say it is impossible. I keep thinking that the pioneer women only had to really do it once . . . after that they usually had at least one extra pair of helping hands . . . and back then the in-laws either lived close and helped or you didn't see them very often.FarmerDenise said:It is nearly impossible to have a farm, a baby and a tidy houseI just wonder how those pioneer women did it!
miss_thenorth said:to go along with the hijackMy son, who was first, was a very high needs baby. I never got anything done, except to gain some weight, as I was sitting on my butt for most of the day nursing--he was a lazy sucker. and when he wasn't nursing, he was being high maintenance. My dd otoh, when she wa born, I asked my mom what was wrong with her, --she just laid there. My mom, ever so gently informed me that she was normal, DS was not
I did mangae to garden and do lotsa thngs when dd wa a baby.