Swiss Army Wife
Katie is a SUPERB name!!!

Good luck with the paperwork!!

Good luck with the paperwork!!
I'm really wishing it was spring right now too, I really need to keep my hands and mind busy today as well. The mind can be kept busy with unceasing prayerBubblingbrooks said:MorelCabin said:The best way to keep your mind busy is with good hard exhausting workI can really understand the stress you must be under! The good Lord has given you a wonderful gift...a daughter. And he will see it through to the end. Count your Blessings BB! They are so many right now! I have been so excited for you both!
If it was summer that would be much easier to do!
I do have to be careful with the adrenal fatigue. If I over due it, I am a mess for several days. Used to be a month of recovery, so much improvement for sure!
We are excited, but cautious for sure. Hard to balance though!