Cassandra - Stompin' around on the little farm


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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wow it sounds like times are difficult for you now. I hope you can get it set up to work from home and such...what a great situation if you could.

your in for changes obviously...they are coming. hang in there and all will work well for you I am sure.

when it came to jobs I never liked alot of change, but it happens and most times it will be a good change.

rest sound tired in a way. just alot of excitement and unknowns. unknowns drag ya down.

I hope Mr. C improves well. He should consider retirement cause it sure sounds like time to stop and smell the roses. They smell great! LOL

take care K


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
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Shoot. I hate it when I sound like a whiner. LOL ;)

I am tired, though. But that's just because I haven't ever caught up on all the sleep I missed when my younger son was a baby. You know, he's five years old and I keep waiting for him to get less demanding, but he hasn't yet. I swear, I haven't gotten a good night sleep since he was born!

He is the love of my life (you know how it is) but GEEZE take a nap, why don't you?!

When he was born, John & I really wanted me to stay at home with him. But by the time he was nine months old, I was a basket case. He has been, since birth I think, going 90 miles an hour ALL THE TIME. At about 9 months, he became really mobile and every waking hour of the day, I was chasing him out of stuff. I rearranged the furniture in the living room and put up gates and babyproofed and he was like Houdini. You know those little plastic power socket protectors? He used to pull them out of the sockets and chew on them.

I got a job when he was 11 months old so I could get some peace! I went to work at a vet's office. And while I was working there. It was non-stop. Very busy. One emergency after another. But it was a day at the spa compared to toddler wrangling.

And he has loved being in daycare. He does so much better when there are other kids to play with and endless toys and running around. He's such a charmer that his daycare people always adore him.

He has recently turned five and I just now beginning to notice that our weekends aren't so hectic from chasing him around and trying to keep him from breaking something (on his person or elsewhere.) He is still a fearless daredevil, but now he's agile enough to do a double back flip off the back of the couch (not really, but you get the idea) without busting his nose and bleeding all over the place (true story.)

But these days, I'm feeling torn in a hundred different directions. John & I are both exhausted all the time. I'm gone 12 hours a day ahd he's gone probably 9 or 10. The house is always a wreck. The yard work never quite gets done. It's time for me to be at home.



Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
I love reading your journal. You are such a descriptive writer.
Maybe you should write a book.
Hope your boss does ok and hope you get to work from home.
I know exactly what you mean about things never getting done.
And I miss taking care of my chickens too. I hate this time change thing.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
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John left yesterday to go to Birmingham for his first round of training. Assuming he passes the test the following week, his raise and bonus should show up on his next check (after the test.)

I was afraid that I was going to be too scared to sleep! I've never spent the night without him in the new house. And it's been a long time since we were apart for more than a day.

Pscht. I needn't have worred. I slept like a baby last night.

mmmm there is something about having a cal. king soft-side waterbed all to yourself. It's so decadent. ^_^ Bliss!

Our 5 year old has been kind of wobbly about it, though. We were playing the grocery list game yesterday (where he adds items to a pretend grocery list and I help him spell them.) He petulantly refused to add any chips for Daddy. Then had a change of heart a few minutes later. John is kind of upset over it. But you know, just as when they are babies and have to learn that we are still there when we disappear around a corner--he's a big boy now and can learn that we are still there even if we are in another state for five days.

On the even plusser side, I get to go home early every day this week (which I will pay for by skipping lunch, LOL) to feed my chickens before dark. woohoo!



Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 10, 2008
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Upper Peninsula, MI
WOOHOO get to feed the chickies early, LOL.

Cassandra you did sound a little whiney in your earlier post. OMgosh, suck it up girlie. THat is just one, what if you had had twins? OR god forbid.....triplets.....gasp.
You would have dealt with it, just like you are now...You go girl.
It is getting less *continous* now, you said it your self. But the worst is yet to come :lol::lol::lol:

now you know I am jus pickin at ya


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Well, sorry you have to skip lunch to go home early, but WHOOHOOO about not feeding chooks in the dark!

DH gets a little peeved with me because I hate walking outside in the dark LOL hey, there's wild animals out there!!!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
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roosmom said:
Cassandra you did sound a little whiney in your earlier post. OMgosh, suck it up girlie. THat is just one, what if you had had twins? OR god forbid.....triplets.....gasp.
I know! My other son is 19, so I really feel like I had an only child... on two separate occassions. LOL

You know, I love both my kids and would give up my life for them. And I take this child raising very seriously. But they were both surprises. I didn't intend to have kids. More out of compassion for children than anything else.

When I was younger, my mom told me I was too selfish to have children. Boy was she WRONG! Either I am not as selfish as she thought at the time, or that is not a very reliable method of birth control!

I totally apologize for the whining. I am so hypersensitive and over dramatic when I am feeling bad.



Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
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Quail_Antwerp said:
Well, sorry you have to skip lunch to go home early, but WHOOHOOO about not feeding chooks in the dark!

DH gets a little peeved with me because I hate walking outside in the dark LOL hey, there's wild animals out there!!!

Now there is a perfectly logical explanation for this. When I asked my (younger) boss if I could take off early this week, I started off by saying, "Don't laugh..." He didn't and was very sweet about it when I told him I needed to get home to the chickens.

Since the time change, I don't get home until after dark. John usually gets home before me and would do the evening outside chores, but obviously, he is gone this week.

I asked my older son (who lives at home while going to college) to do it and he said sure he'd be happy to and I showed him where everything was. He was supposed to do it last week as a trial run, but he "forgot" or didn't get home in time or "fell asleep." He doesn't take it seriously. Apparently MY chicken problems are not HIS chicken problems. Frankly, I would more likely trust this important chore to the five year old. Unfortunately, he doesn't get home until I do.

I could feed them in the morning (which I do go out there and count them and give them their moning treats.) Or I could feed them after dark. Only after dark they are ASLEEP! And I don't like the idea of leaving food and eggs in the chicken house over night. Too likely to draw curious predators.

And yeah... STUFF outside after dark (and no big strong man at home to get my back.) My biggest worry? The spider that weaves across the path from the back yard to the chicken house. I am convinced she has seen me and wants to eat me. She will build these HUGE webs. I have seen them stretch from the ground to the power lines way way up. Sometimes the web part is six feet across or better. But very often, she will weave one between the fence and the birch tree where I have to walk. I could SO walk into that thing in the dark without seeing it. (That's sort of the point of spider webs, id'nit?) I would smooth flip out! I have seen that spider. She is scary! And BIG.

A couple of weekends ago, Me & B walked to the chicken coop and when I looked back, I saw that web up there, just inches above where my head had walked under it. On the way back, I looked up and the spider was right in the middle (about two feet above the top of my head) and there was a good few inches of clearance so... I braced myself, squinched down a little to make me shorter, and walked under real fast to get back to the house.

I turned around to look again... and she WASN'T THERE! I ran inside and made John dust me off to make sure nothing was on me!

Ok... now I've given myself the creeps. UGH



Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Upper Peninsula, MI
Cassandra said:
roosmom said:
Cassandra you did sound a little whiney in your earlier post. OMgosh, suck it up girlie. THat is just one, what if you had had twins? OR god forbid.....triplets.....gasp.
I know! My other son is 19, so I really feel like I had an only child... on two separate occassions. LOL

You know, I love both my kids and would give up my life for them. And I take this child raising very seriously. But they were both surprises. I didn't intend to have kids. More out of compassion for children than anything else.

When I was younger, my mom told me I was too selfish to have children. Boy was she WRONG! Either I am not as selfish as she thought at the time, or that is not a very reliable method of birth control!

I totally apologize for the whining. I am so hypersensitive and over dramatic when I am feeling bad.

I was just teasing you......I think this is something all of us PRIMARY CAREGIVERS have felt like, LOL. Dont apologize, now I feel yucky for teasing you.

Maybe your mother was just mad at you at the time....we all say stuff we dont really mean sometimes.

Hey, that spider.......Is it really big? What color is it? I ask, cuz hubby brought me home a spider, it was HUGE. and it was yellow and black, just like a humongus bumble bee. When it spread its legs out it was even bigger.....anyhoo, I found this spider in a book our resident spider afficinado had. It was a northern Orb Weaving spider. They weave these huge webs to catch their pray. What I thought was interesting was that they are almost fully blind. They catch their prey totally by the vibrations in the web. They are also the largest spider in the northern hemisphere. HA and we thought the wolf spider was big.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
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Naw, don't feel yucky. I should have put smileys all through the post 'cause it was all in fun.

Haha. My mom stayed mad at me almost the entirely of my teenage years. I got married when I was 17 and my younger brother asked her if she was going to cry at the wedding and she looked at him all indignant and asked "Why!? HE's the one who's going to have to take her home!" (referring to my fiance.)

It has remained a running gag in the family how much I exasperated my poor mother when I was a teen. I think she has gotten over it, but we still laugh about it.

And come on... selfishness as a birth control? You know it's funny! :lol:

I am pretty sure the spider is an orb weaver. We have a few of them in different places in the yard. I always ALMOST run into them when I am walking around. Or when I walk into a single strand of one, I sort of bounce backwards as if I had walked into bungee cord! <bOiNg!>
