Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

The Porch

Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 6, 2021
Reaction score
Kitsap County
I have a young couple waiting on me to get out. LOL I’m moving as fast as I can! Just so much to do to this place, and so much stuff to move! We haven’t closed yet, so I probably have about a month. Now that containers are moved and blocked up, I have a place to put all my outside stuff, and semi outside stuff that needs cover.

I must be crazy. I’m so ready to leave my jewel of a small farm, for a small house on small acreage, perched on the side of a busy 2 lane highway. And from there, who knows?

I didnt realize you hadn't closed yet, ya, 30 as of the closing date unless you make other arrangements with the buyer.

No, your not crazy, being closer to your son is important. And like you say, it may just be for a while until you find you last, forever home. At our age it is so weird to say, 10 years ago we thought this was it, but boy did we age in that time. DH is 72, most think he is just 65, and in his mind he is 40 Lolololo arnt we all? :gig
But, having no stairs, and 2 bathrooms is a huge blessing, pulse 7min away from DS & 6DGK's with room for my girls to come visit.
I did have a cow at myself yesterday, I packed the can opener and couldnt find it,,
PTL for the Leatherman :weee


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I have wire spice racks that hang on the back of my pantry door. Not only no pantry here, but only door I can hang them on will be my bedroom closet door. Hahaha! Can’t unpack any kitchen stuff because the carpenter is going to install a vent a hood over range top.(there isn’t one and cutting holes will make a mess) Having my kitchen stuff split between two houses is hardship!

The Porch

Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 6, 2021
Reaction score
Kitsap County
I have wire spice racks that hang on the back of my pantry door. Not only no pantry here, but only door I can hang them on will be my bedroom closet door. Hahaha! Can’t unpack any kitchen stuff because the carpenter is going to install a vent a hood over range top.(there isn’t one and cutting holes will make a mess) Having my kitchen stuff split between two houses is hardship!

Its a crazy time for sure
I think MY next trip to costco will include food on my dont eat list--frozen lasagna, frozen anything I dont have to use a pan for. I do have my 2 skillets out and a pot for oatmeal and one for soup,, just 2 plates 2 bowls etc.......


Almost Self-Reliant
May 10, 2021
Reaction score
USDA zone 5b
Crazy start to the day over here. Woke up at 4 am. Couldn’t get back to sleep. Mama spidey sense said something was off. Welp nothing was off, I’m just crazy.

So I went to the hospital to see the babies. I packed myself some food so I don’t starve and I was off! I’m there now obviously, but crazy me forgot to leave a note for DW! 🤣
She’s been calling me all morning and I didn’t even notice! She’s found me now 🤣🤣. That woman sleeps like a rock.

The Porch

Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 6, 2021
Reaction score
Kitsap County
Crazy start to the day over here. Woke up at 4 am. Couldn’t get back to sleep. Mama spidey sense said something was off. Welp nothing was off, I’m just crazy.

So I went to the hospital to see the babies. I packed myself some food so I don’t starve and I was off! I’m there now obviously, but crazy me forgot to leave a note for DW! 🤣
She’s been calling me all morning and I didn’t even notice! She’s found me now 🤣🤣. That woman sleeps like a rock.
Well, it happens,, But I am SO!!! glad you are there and brought food! I hope you can stay all day!
sing them
"the people on grandmasporch say hi to you,,,hi to you,,hi to you 🥰😘🥰 eat lots and gain some weight😘


Almost Self-Reliant
May 10, 2021
Reaction score
USDA zone 5b
Well, it happens,, But I am SO!!! glad you are there and brought food! I hope you can stay all day!
sing them
"the people on grandmasporch say hi to you,,,hi to you,,hi to you 🥰😘🥰 eat lots and gain some weight😘
I get so lost when it come to what food to pick though lol! @Trying2keepitReal suggested protein shakes so we broke out the old rugby bag. Definitely passed on the weird caffeinated stuff though lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley, Va

Thank You so much FJ. I'll keep an eye on that sneaky calf. She's supposed to be weened and I was surprised to see it nursing. The calf is quite shy and a loner, it like to hang by itself mostly. It's most definitely grazing but doesn't graze near as long as the others before it lays down and chews it's cud.

Interested what your thoughts are on the mix breed. Quite unusual for me, since I haven't see any like it before. But then again I don't get out much either... I'm happy they aren't "crazy" and seem pretty mellow, except for when my wife rings the bell then it's like a mini stampede. They get all excited and come running from where ever they are at for livestock commodity mix 15%. We are still on a coffee can full (3 lbs) split between two gate buckets for 4 head. The calf only comes but so close and doesn't get any, maybe some scraps off the ground, that's about it, since the buckets are licked clean.

About the livestock commodity mix 15% it's inexpensive $7.99 for a 50lb bag. I was thinking about trying it on the fowl and see how they do with it. What's your take?

I appreciate you A LOT 👍 next time I'm in VA, I'm gonna contact you and take you out to dinner (break bread) and hang out with FarmerJan for a while 😎 I may need a memory upgrade first though because I'm sure you'll give me all kinds of valuable information.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
If she is sneaking back on the cow then she is not truly weaned. If the cow is letting her, then they have GOT TO BE SEPARATED. No if's but's or anything else. There is a nose flap you can get that has little spikes that when she goes to nurse will poke the cow and she will kick the calf off but they are iffy to use. You can look them up on the internet... anti suck devices, weaning flaps, or something like that will get you some stuff to look at. Jeffers livestock supplies probably have them. I am going to try something similar for these 2 adult cows I have... but one thing DS said was we can move them to other places where they are not with anyone familiar... each to a different place... and most "strange to them cows" will not allow it. I am so P#$$ed off at them......

I see nothing wrong with the mixed breed. I have little or no personal experience with dexters. Had a 1/2 dutch belted and would like to get one or 2 full bred dutch belted for milking. Have had several belted galloways and liked them. I have some semen in my tank for a belted galloway.... I would like a couple of them again. They get discounted badly at the stockyards, but they make fine beef for personal/direct sales.

The calves really need more grain in this cold winter. They could do better if you added some corn to the feed...for the energy as the protein is low. But the calf that is stealing is also doing it partly because it's body is craving more nutrients. They cannot grow without enough protein. A growing calf should be getting about 1-2 % of it's body weight in concentrates (grain) as it is growing. So the heifer should be getting about 3 lbs or more of feed to really grow and supply her nutrient needs. 1/2 that can full just for herself at least.... The hay is not going to supply enough protein for growing through the winter. They are eating to keep up their body heat and require more. Either they get it from the cow's milk, or they try to eat more and more... and that is how so many dairy cross calves get the "hay belly or pot belly" at younger ages. They will grow out of it eventually, but often it will stunt their growth. Remember, if these are Dutch belted/Dexter crosses... they are half dairy animals. Dutch Belted is a dairy breed, not a dual purpose. In beef cattle the calves are left on the cows for 5-10 months. They still will grow better and continue to gain if they are grain fed after that. Once they hit the yearling mark, they are better able to utilize the grass and hay and will grow on that. But if they don't get a good start, then they will not grow like they should as they get older. It will take longer to get them to finish out.
Yes you can just grass finish them... but you have got to have them gaining at least 1 1/2 to 2 lbs a day or the grass is just going to maintaining the body.... a positive gain is what puts the flesh on and creates fat also for marbling.

I am not in favor of just having one feed for all the livestock. There are things in the poultry feed that address the chickens specific needs, especially for laying. Maybe okay for the warmer months when they are getting added protein in bugs and such. Not saying that they will be hurt by the 15% feed... but they will not lay up to their potential. And let's face it, if you have chickens for laying, you want and need to get the best production out of them or else the cost per dozen eggs is just too high. You are better off getting the eggs from the store if you go by simple practicality. I like my show chickens, they do not lay like I want them to. I compromise because I like them... but they are not totally practical. The sex-links and breeds specifically bred for laying do pay for themselves. You can give up some of the "practical" and efficiency but lets face it, part of being self sufficient is to be able to save money and provide for yourself. If it costs you $6 or $8 dozen to produce the eggs... and they only lay for the 6 warmer months, then you are not being practical or efficient. That is not self sufficient, that is just subsidizing..... The whole idea of self sufficient is to produce things for yourself at a cost that is equal or LESS THAN it would cost you to buy it. Some things will not be totally practical... but you also get better taste or healthier food. Still, you have to address the animals needs too.
You don't want to feed the meat birds for 2-4 extra weeks because they are growing slowly... that is money out of your pocket that you are basically wasting.....the cattle will also cost extra if they do not grow well as calves. I feed very little grain to the finishing animals... but they get fed grain as they are growing so they get their growth and size that they need so that then the grass/grazing will be better spent putting weight on the frame that they have grown. If I left them on the cows for 10-15 months and only had calves every 18-24 months, then they would not need the grain as growing calves. But I want and need a yearly calf to make it economical to have these cattle. It is not just about dollars and cents, but it has to be about the most practical way, and economical way, to get the needed and proper growth, or you are waiting for 3 years to get a beef to go on the table.