Sustainability Master
I had a THIRD doctor appointment at 1:45! Finally dragged home.
You're popularI had a THIRD doctor appointment at 1:45! Finally dragged home.
Hope you had good news!I had a THIRD doctor appointment at 1:45! Finally dragged home.
I go back November 3 For results and back to surgeon December 8 for 12 week check upHope you had good news!
I just LOVEsitting in town and waiting to wait. Oh wait I don't go to town for a reason, literally to save my own life. Oh wait B double e double r un. And feed gotta get feed.
Instead of encyclopedias I take my kids to the library and get a stack of nonfiction books. But it sounds like you might be far enough from a library that this wouldn't be practical. I'm about 6 miles from a small library.Good morning all. On the waiting and for me simply going to town. A while back I waited a couple of years to get glasses after mine were to messed up to see through just because I didn't want to go to town and really didn't want to go to town and wait.
Has anyone priced a set of encyclopedia's lately. I know, i know, you can just look it up on your phone. Well I can't and I don't believe in giving the kids a smart device until they can get a job and buy there own.
Check Goodwill, Salvation Army, resale shops for encylopedias.Good morning all. On the waiting and for me simply going to town. A while back I waited a couple of years to get glasses after mine were to messed up to see through just because I didn't want to go to town and really didn't want to go to town and wait.
Has anyone priced a set of encyclopedia's lately. I know, i know, you can just look it up on your phone. Well I can't and I don't believe in giving the kids a smart device until they can get a job and buy there own.