Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Yesterday was a full day. I left at 4:45 and got back at 3:20, left for the vet at 3:45. Had 3 doctor appointments, first one in Lindale at 7:30 for blood draw for lab work. Then to the surgeon for 11:30 appointment. I stopped for breakfast, Lowes and a couple other stores. Took forever for the surgeon appointment, he was running way behind. He sent me for a bone density scan at 1:45. I put my foot in it on the way home.

Sentry wouldn't eat Wednesday night. It was obvious he didn't feel good. I couldn't do anything yesterday morning, so had to wait to see how he was doing when I got home. He still didn't feel good, so trip to the vet. No clear diagnosis. He is anemic, has blood markers that suggest a blood borne tick disease or maybe it's lymphoma (cancer). Vet gave him a huge syringe full of fluids and something for nausea in it under the skin. I have an antibiotic and an anti-nausea pills for him. The anti-nausea pill says take with food. Right. He's not eating. I gave him his pills this morning and he puked them back up. He is drinking and peeing, so there's that. I did capture a urine sample, capped it and put it in the refrigerator, in case they need it for further analysis.

I borrowed a large dog crate from Bennet and Peggy when I got back yesterday from the vet. They followed me home and brought it in the big utility room for me. I kept Sentry in it last night. Right now he is laying half on a towel on the floor. Of course I have no idea where my animal towels are, still at my son's house and I don't know where. So, good towels it is. I don't care. He can puke on them, they will wash or I can buy new ones. Sentry is what matters right now.

Chris just got here and suggested dissolving his pills in water. Good idea, I'll take it a step further and draw that water up in a syringe and give it to him. I'm to keep him on the medication over the weekend. If no improvement, take him in Monday for x-rays and more tests. There is a vet on call over the weekend if he gets worse. Chris just walked in, squatted down and made a fuss over Sentry. He thumped his tail, but didn't raise his head.

So that's where I'm at. Either Sentry is sick and he'll get over it-or he won't, or he has cancer and I won't draw it out trying to "save" him. I'm hoping it is nothing too serious, but trying to prepare myself if it is-and I really don't know how to do that. I don't know how much more of this I can take. Will it ever stop?


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 14, 2021
Reaction score
USDA growing zone 4a/4b
@baymule I am so sorry to hear that Sentry is not feeling well. You can try to disolve the pills in water or is there anything he will eat? I know our vet always says give them anything they will eat if they are bad. Our dog, Kharma, was diagnosed with bone cancer at the beginning of September-she has 3 rounds of meds a day-and sometimes she pukes them and her food back up. I just try and find anything she will eat. I have added boiled meat, eggs, tuna juice, anything so that she will eat and take her meds.

I sure hope that he turns around or that you get some answers on Monday-sick animals are never eat but definitely hard with those in-the-house pets. :hugs


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 5, 2018
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
Sorry to hear about Sentry @baymule. It won't help them keep it down but I've always used cheese to get them to swallow the pill. A quarter half a slice of american squished around it. I don't know if they'd just not drink if in the water but you can syringe down easy when it's liquid.

The Porch

Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 6, 2021
Reaction score
Kitsap County
Hello to you all , I know, It's been a very long time. I pray this finds you well.
We have been busier than folks our age should be.
We got all moved last January and I work hard at unpacking and getting the house set up most of February.
March -May was filled with clearing all left overs from the previous owners. Taking down their extremely disgusting attempt at a chicken & duck area, hand digging up sod to make a garden area, moving, 2 wheelbarrows at a time, a dump truck load of organic garden soil up from the driveway to the new garden, with a weed eater cutting a 1/4 acre of pasture grass that was planted for sheep, getting huge burn pile knocked out, AND, planting a garden from seed on May 15th. We had to put in a new well pump, a new pressure tank, a new wood stove in the living room and have the chimney repaired.
In June got a conex container to use as a storage shed so DH could use the garage for his knife shop. And started building a new chicken coop. It is close to the house so I can keep an eye on them. It is 8X12 with a 8X12 covered area and a 24X24 run covered in hard wire cloth. Boy was it a hard project, but we made it through and got it done just a few days before I picked the new chicks at the post office on July 13th.
I got 16 hens and 1 rooster Welsummers. BUT I received 3 Roosters, I suspected these 3 were by week 3 and at week 9 #1 crowed, week 10 #2 and #3.
I waited to see how their behavior was before culling 2. #1 was a bit aggressive with the chicks at week 4 and wanted to challenge me at week 10. #2 fought with #1 and didn't let me pick him up. #3,,, he was friendly with all the hens and let me pick him up so he was the winner. I named him Cornelius. Garys grandfather had that name and his dad, they are Dutch. I did have one pullet that was sick, I truly believe she had Mericks, I did have all the chicks vaccinated but this one went lame, could hardly walk and had soars under her wings. so i have 12 hens and 1 rooster. I hope to hatch a clutch next spring.

So now October is almost over. We still need to build the nesting boxes and I want to put a rain gutter on the downside of the roof. We have a pile of plastic to go to the dump and a scrap metal. We have all of the firewood cut and stacked, I did all the canning, and we are ready for winter.
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The Porch

Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 6, 2021
Reaction score
Kitsap County
Yesterday was a full day. I left at 4:45 and got back at 3:20, left for the vet at 3:45. Had 3 doctor appointments, first one in Lindale at 7:30 for blood draw for lab work. Then to the surgeon for 11:30 appointment. I stopped for breakfast, Lowes and a couple other stores. Took forever for the surgeon appointment, he was running way behind. He sent me for a bone density scan at 1:45. I put my foot in it on the way home.

Sentry wouldn't eat Wednesday night. It was obvious he didn't feel good. I couldn't do anything yesterday morning, so had to wait to see how he was doing when I got home. He still didn't feel good, so trip to the vet. No clear diagnosis. He is anemic, has blood markers that suggest a blood borne tick disease or maybe it's lymphoma (cancer). Vet gave him a huge syringe full of fluids and something for nausea in it under the skin. I have an antibiotic and an anti-nausea pills for him. The anti-nausea pill says take with food. Right. He's not eating. I gave him his pills this morning and he puked them back up. He is drinking and peeing, so there's that. I did capture a urine sample, capped it and put it in the refrigerator, in case they need it for further analysis.

I borrowed a large dog crate from Bennet and Peggy when I got back yesterday from the vet. They followed me home and brought it in the big utility room for me. I kept Sentry in it last night. Right now he is laying half on a towel on the floor. Of course I have no idea where my animal towels are, still at my son's house and I don't know where. So, good towels it is. I don't care. He can puke on them, they will wash or I can buy new ones. Sentry is what matters right now.

Chris just got here and suggested dissolving his pills in water. Good idea, I'll take it a step further and draw that water up in a syringe and give it to him. I'm to keep him on the medication over the weekend. If no improvement, take him in Monday for x-rays and more tests. There is a vet on call over the weekend if he gets worse. Chris just walked in, squatted down and made a fuss over Sentry. He thumped his tail, but didn't raise his head.

So that's where I'm at. Either Sentry is sick and he'll get over it-or he won't, or he has cancer and I won't draw it out trying to "save" him. I'm hoping it is nothing too serious, but trying to prepare myself if it is-and I really don't know how to do that. I don't know how much more of this I can take. Will it ever stop?

that is very hard Bay,
I am so sorry


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
Looks like near $1000 for World Book 2022. 2021 is $600. The phone would be cheaper. Especially since they go out of date fairly quickly. They are also the worst investment in books possible because of the out of date issues. Older sets can be got at a thrift store for under $100 if they even put it out. Usually they are send to a recycler. That's the same thing that happens to strip cover books, though sometimes employees steal them.

A small laptop would be better, especially since that's what the treachers expect to be used as online sources have more information on a topic. Schools also can provide access to World Book Encyclopedia online to students. I couldn't actually find anywhere to purchase a subscription from them.

Encyclopedia Britannica online subscription is $75 a year or $9 a month. Smart thing there to only by a month when it's actually needed.

Good morning all. On the waiting and for me simply going to town. A while back I waited a couple of years to get glasses after mine were to messed up to see through just because I didn't want to go to town and really didn't want to go to town and wait.
Has anyone priced a set of encyclopedia's lately. I know, i know, you can just look it up on your phone. Well I can't and I don't believe in giving the kids a smart device until they can get a job and buy there own.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Sentry is in the hospital. I took him out to pee a third time and it was blood red. I called the vet and they said bring him in. They analyzed the urine sample and said his bilirubin levels were high, that points to liver and/or bile. They were going to run more tests. The good news is, he doesn't have cancer. The bad news is, he is having a toxic reaction to something and we don't know what. I talked to Bennet and Peggy, they didn't use poisons or anything in that field. He was in a field with sheep and Sheba. The vets were going to put and IV in him, flush his system with plenty of fluids and hopefully flush out whatever is making him so sick. At this point, we just don't know. He stands a chance. A very small one, but he stands a chance. As long as there is a chance, I have to give it to him.
Y'all pray for Sentry.


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
Hello to you all , I know, It's been a very long time. I pray this finds you well.
We have been busier than folks our age should be.
We got all moved last January and I work hard at unpacking and getting the house set up most of February.
March -May was filled with clearing all left overs from the previous owners. Taking down their extremely disgusting attempt at a chicken & duck area, hand digging up sod to make a garden area, moving, 2 wheelbarrows at a time, a dump truck load of organic garden soil up from the driveway to the new garden, with a weed eater cutting a 1/4 acre of pasture grass that was planted for sheep, getting huge burn pile knocked out, AND, planting a garden from seed on May 15th. We had to put in a new well pump, a new pressure tank, a new wood stove in the living room and have the chimney repaired.
In June got a conex container to use as a storage shed so DH could use the garage for his knife shop. And started building a new chicken coop. It is close to the house so I can keep an eye on them. It is 8X12 with a 8X12 covered area and a 24X24 run covered in hard wire cloth. Boy was it a hard project, but we made it through and got it done just a few days before I picked the new chicks at the post office on July 13th.
I got 16 hens and 1 rooster Welsummers. BUT I received 3 Roosters, I suspected these 3 were by week 3 and at week 9 #1 crowed, week 10 #2 and #3.
I waited to see how their behavior was before culling 2. #1 was a bit aggressive with the chicks at week 4 and wanted to challenge me at week 10. #2 fought with #1 and didn't let me pick him up. #3,,, he was friendly with all the hens and let me pick him up so he was the winner. I named him Cornelius. Garys grandfather had that name and his dad, they are Dutch. I did have one pullet that was sick, I truly believe she had Mericks, I did have all the chicks vaccinated but this one went lame, could hardly walk and had soars under her wings. so i have 12 hens and 1 rooster. I hope to hatch a clutch next spring.

So now October is almost over. We still need to build the nesting boxes and I want to put a rain gutter on the downside of the roof. We have a pile of plastic to go to the dump and a scrap metal. We have all of the firewood cut and stacked, I did all the canning, and we are ready for winter. Here are a few pics,



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Welcome back. I was wondering how you were doing.

That's a very nice chicken set up there. Nice and safe from everything but a bear. (Nothing is safe from a bear)

You have some way to shake or brush snow from the run cover right? Snow is a possibility again this year and it builds up even on netting and will collapse it. I made sure to get wider netting after that because it's easier to shake the snow off. I prefer the years where we just get rain all winter.

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