Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley, Va
Yesterday was a full day. I left at 4:45 and got back at 3:20, left for the vet at 3:45. Had 3 doctor appointments, first one in Lindale at 7:30 for blood draw for lab work. Then to the surgeon for 11:30 appointment. I stopped for breakfast, Lowes and a couple other stores. Took forever for the surgeon appointment, he was running way behind. He sent me for a bone density scan at 1:45. I put my foot in it on the way home.

Sentry wouldn't eat Wednesday night. It was obvious he didn't feel good. I couldn't do anything yesterday morning, so had to wait to see how he was doing when I got home. He still didn't feel good, so trip to the vet. No clear diagnosis. He is anemic, has blood markers that suggest a blood borne tick disease or maybe it's lymphoma (cancer). Vet gave him a huge syringe full of fluids and something for nausea in it under the skin. I have an antibiotic and an anti-nausea pills for him. The anti-nausea pill says take with food. Right. He's not eating. I gave him his pills this morning and he puked them back up. He is drinking and peeing, so there's that. I did capture a urine sample, capped it and put it in the refrigerator, in case they need it for further analysis.

I borrowed a large dog crate from Bennet and Peggy when I got back yesterday from the vet. They followed me home and brought it in the big utility room for me. I kept Sentry in it last night. Right now he is laying half on a towel on the floor. Of course I have no idea where my animal towels are, still at my son's house and I don't know where. So, good towels it is. I don't care. He can puke on them, they will wash or I can buy new ones. Sentry is what matters right now.

Chris just got here and suggested dissolving his pills in water. Good idea, I'll take it a step further and draw that water up in a syringe and give it to him. I'm to keep him on the medication over the weekend. If no improvement, take him in Monday for x-rays and more tests. There is a vet on call over the weekend if he gets worse. Chris just walked in, squatted down and made a fuss over Sentry. He thumped his tail, but didn't raise his head.

So that's where I'm at. Either Sentry is sick and he'll get over it-or he won't, or he has cancer and I won't draw it out trying to "save" him. I'm hoping it is nothing too serious, but trying to prepare myself if it is-and I really don't know how to do that. I don't know how much more of this I can take. Will it ever stop?


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 14, 2021
Reaction score
USDA growing zone 4a/4b
I suppose everyone has heard the barges are grounded in the Mississippi. Due to low water levels.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Yes! We just took a drive about 3 hours south of use to see the stuck barges-it is unreal. We were down there in June and the river banks were out about 4 ft farther than they should have been. Crazy how low the water is.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
Hello to you all , I know, It's been a very long time. I pray this finds you well.
We have been busier than folks our age should be.
We got all moved last January and I work hard at unpacking and getting the house set up most of February.
March -May was filled with clearing all left overs from the previous owners. Taking down their extremely disgusting attempt at a chicken & duck area, hand digging up sod to make a garden area, moving, 2 wheelbarrows at a time, a dump truck load of organic garden soil up from the driveway to the new garden, with a weed eater cutting a 1/4 acre of pasture grass that was planted for sheep, getting huge burn pile knocked out, AND, planting a garden from seed on May 15th. We had to put in a new well pump, a new pressure tank, a new wood stove in the living room and have the chimney repaired.
In June got a conex container to use as a storage shed so DH could use the garage for his knife shop. And started building a new chicken coop. It is close to the house so I can keep an eye on them. It is 8X12 with a 8X12 covered area and a 24X24 run covered in hard wire cloth. Boy was it a hard project, but we made it through and got it done just a few days before I picked the new chicks at the post office on July 13th.
I got 16 hens and 1 rooster Welsummers. BUT I received 3 Roosters, I suspected these 3 were by week 3 and at week 9 #1 crowed, week 10 #2 and #3.
I waited to see how their behavior was before culling 2. #1 was a bit aggressive with the chicks at week 4 and wanted to challenge me at week 10. #2 fought with #1 and didn't let me pick him up. #3,,, he was friendly with all the hens and let me pick him up so he was the winner. I named him Cornelius. Garys grandfather had that name and his dad, they are Dutch. I did have one pullet that was sick, I truly believe she had Mericks, I did have all the chicks vaccinated but this one went lame, could hardly walk and had soars under her wings. so i have 12 hens and 1 rooster. I hope to hatch a clutch next spring.

So now October is almost over. We still need to build the nesting boxes and I want to put a rain gutter on the downside of the roof. We have a pile of plastic to go to the dump and a scrap metal. We have all of the firewood cut and stacked, I did all the canning, and we are ready for winter. Here are a few pics,



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impressive, looks like anyone could live there. :)