Mini Horses
Sustainability Master
Any others close who want to buy & raise -- order together. 100 saves 50cent per bird. 

I can't let my FH see that or else he would be going gagaga over it. It's bad enough I'mOk... this is ours
Fire goes bottom left.
Usually meat goes in the middle.
Far right upper box is for cold smoke.
Sorry if I misunderstood your question. I remember now you raised them before.Hoover has the CCX males for $3.31, females $3.16 and unsexed for 3.26 plus free shipping, starting in May.
Last ones I bought were a mix of hens and roos for $1.00 each out of a Rural King tub. Probably won't see those prices again
Cornish Cross Broiler
This is the bird that single-handedly changed American eating habits. Before Cornish Cross Broilers were developed, a chicken dinner was a rare treat reserved for special occasions. Pre-Cornish Cross era chickens grew slowly while eating plenty of feed. Their meat was tasty but sparse.
Jesus is Lord and Christ![]()
Don’t give her a bell to ring…….Ahhh the fog,, we get a lot of fog,
the air feels warmer this morning,, everyone in the coop is good, I have to bagbalm a hen come last evening before closing the door, it was bleeding a tiny bit,, I am sure the bossy hen got a hold of her,, it looks much better this morning--
Ziva dog is walking from her food dish, to me, and back, she is TELLing me FEED ME!
its only 5:15,,,, she can wait till 6
No worriesSorry if I misunderstood your question. I remember now you raised them before.
Yeah, the chick prices are crazy