Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
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mid-Michigan, USoA
The white thing is fennel. I don’t know how to prepare it.

you can cook with it or eat it pretty much the same way you'd use celery except it has a slight licorice/anise/fennel flavor (which i love). it's very tasty. :) the green stuff on top can also be used in various ways. down where you are at @baymule you can get a good crop of it. up here i have to plant starts and it may not finish in time. it's one of those plants i consider indestructable (like dill), but it just goes longer so we may not get seeds from it (which is a shame because fennel seeds are part of the reason to grow it). i've never gotten into growing it enough here to see if there are earlier and shorter season varieties.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
He makes sure he never runs out of any of the items listed above and if (and that's a mighty BIG IF) I go shopping without him and don't get none of the those items which I know he isn't suppose to have I don't know how to shop so I'm not allowed to go without him.
Go without him! Refuse to buy anything that is not healthy for him/you. If he really wants to harm himself, he's gotta do it all by himself.

ETA: I was thinking of the word "enabling" too


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
And what in the world is this? How is it used? What does it taste like?
View attachment 23159
Fennel. Eat or cook it the way you'd prepare celery. The flavor is mild celery + strong licorice + slight menthol

The licorice flavor fades with long cooking times. I despise licorice flavor, so if I use fennel I put it in pot roast type meal. It bulks up a pot roast and can take the place of potato (for a lower carb/starch meal)


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
I wish I could but one of FH co-workers buys the stuff I need for Choc chip cookies for him. He has other peoples and says mine are the best.

This is an example of one of his lunches- SNACKS; 1 pkg (2 bars) Nutty Bars, Peanut Butter crackers, a zippy of chips, a cereal bar, a banana (when we have them) a bag of cookies LUNCH; bowl Mac Salad, 1 piece kielbasa, 1 hamburger, 1 cheeseburger (NO BREAD or BUNS), fruit cup, yogurt, pudding cup, and an iced coffee. He makes sure he never runs out of any of the items listed above and if (and that's a mighty BIG IF) I go shopping without him and don't get none of the those items which I know he isn't suppose to have I don't know how to shop so I'm not allowed to go without him.
Dang, that snack list is, pardon my bluntness, absolutely horrible for a diabetic.

I have run across nutritionalists completely clueless about low carb diets. Despite popular opinion, fruits and commercial yogurts are chock full of sugar and horrible for diabetics. Corn, potatoes, and wheat/oats are not good either. Good vigorous excise can offset those bad effects, but it will catch up to you.

The "I am still hungry" excuse (it is an excuse) is because items like you listed (aside from the protein) are empty calorie carbs. The sense of being full can be generated by eating good fats. I have a faux Snickers bar recipe (butter and coconut oil) that is 2g of carbs per serving and is immensely filling.

As with any diet impact, YMMV - often due to genetics having a part. My personal experience, I lost 50 pounds going low carb. Despite eggs and sausage every morning and lots of butter in recipes (particularly dessert things), both my good and bad cholesterol number are in the good/great ranges.

Change is hard. Healthy changes are harder. I am willing to share more if you are interested.

I will step away from the pulpit now.
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Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Sorry, can't help myself. "I'm diabetic and need to eat" is a crap excuse. My exMIL was like that. Vicious cycle of eat junk, increase meds.

As diabetic, you don't get to eat whatever whenever if you want to get healthy. It sucks. It doesn't mean you can't find things to make you happy, though.

Sorry for the rant


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
I hope you can see by the responses here that people care and want to help you both.

Here's my 2 cents worth. I am married to a very brittle diabetic. Years ago when he insisted on doing things that were extremely detrimental to his health - I told him to pack up and go. I love him - but I'm not going to sit around and watch him commit slow suicide. You have to value yourself also. It's not fair to you for him to put his life in jeopardy for a sugar fix.

I cannot tell you how many days/nights I've spent in a hospital room with DH. It's not fun and it's not fair for me to lose MY quality of life because of his bad habits. Hearing the doc tell you that he's probably not going to make it is not fun either. Thankfully those bad habits are behind us - but his years of self-abuse will shorten his life.

Farmer Jamie is correct in that there are tons of good substitutes out there. Fill him up on real food - not empty calories. He's also right about some nutritionists not having a clue. There was a time when DH was hospitalized for diabetic ketoacidosis. (read up on that when you have a chance) They kept serving him bread, and potatoes, and rice, and pudding. When I complained they told me he was getting a diabetic diet. I pointed out all the carbs and they told me if we didn't want all those carbs we needed to order the "low-carb" diet. WTH? A diabetic diet should be low least low in simple carbs. We did have one great doctor tell us to start with eating nothing white. No white foods, lol. No potatoes, no rice, no white bread... It's a start.

The book that Baymule posted is a great start. It appears that you love to cook. Take that love of cooking and turn it into a new healthier way of life for both of you!

Hope you can help him - but I hope more that he will help himself!


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
Hey sweetie. That is a crap load of calories. Waaay more than a man would need on a daily basis. And then add in all the very helpful comments from this group about empty carb calories, and such, and you've got your direction needed to help him make the right changes. He is your FH, and we all would like him to be with you as your HUSBAND for a very very long time!!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 14, 2022
Reaction score
SW, Michigan - Zone 6a
@Country homesteader is ok, we are not going to tatletale on you,lol I totally understand as a female. We just need to drop it down while most males want to fix it.
I had the same problem and laid it all on a few pages somewhere. But my hub is my helper now and only comes when invited,lol
So much better for me. But even though I make jokes about diabetes, I know it is a very hard illness to control and we can manage it but when we are strong headed, we denied everything. Yesterday told my sister(a diabetic and doctor)that I would mind dying of it because a sweet person like me, of course I must die of diabetes, lol
But then again as the doctor in the house said, it is a terrible disease. From blindness to other things that can put us in a wheelchair up to flat-line. It's hard like everyone said but it's not impossible. If impossible, then that will be me. But I am willing to kill myself exercising at least. We all love you and your DH. We are family here.
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Almost Self-Reliant
May 14, 2022
Reaction score
SW, Michigan - Zone 6a
I cannot diet but hear this diet us very good,lol Screenshot_20230421_153411.jpg
No offense, just thought it will make us laugh