Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
@Country homesteader - Just a quick thought. If he has to eat sugar to keep his blood sugar up - he quite likely needs a medication adjustment. Has he seen a diabetic educator? It would probably benefit both of you to visit with one.



Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
I would just like to point out that the American Diabetes Association is largely funded by pharmaceutical companies, which have a strong interest in keeping T2 diabetes a chronic, progressive disease.

Dr. Jason Fung is a breath of fresh air. He's a nephrologist that was getting burnt out over his diabetic patients dying. He has a dry, witty, sarcastic sense of humor which can come off cold, but he opens up in a few documentaries and you can see how hard it was for him knowing ALL his diabetic patients would die (miserably). He CURES diabetes. Not treats. Not manages. Cures. REVERSES. As in, people getting off insulin permanently in a couple days. He expanded his practice into support group style classes and now offers virtual coaching. But he puts all of the information out there online for free. There are free support groups on social media. People who take insulin need to work with a doctor at first to adjust their doses and other medications to prevent hypoglycemia at the beginning.

This isn't a fringe thing, it's not a rare miraculous cure. Thousands of people are reversing T2 diabetes.

And it's free. You don't have to buy anything.

I'm passionate about this because I have very high genetic risk for T2 diabetes. If I gain body fat and get overweight, my risk for diabetes more than doubles. Shockingly, I don't have family history of diabetes... because people in my family figured out they feel healthier on a Fung-style lifestyle.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
Dang, that snack list is, pardon my bluntness, absolutely horrible for a diabetic.

I have run across nutritionalists completely clueless about low carb diets. Despite popular opinion, fruits and commercial yogurts are chock full of sugar and horrible for diabetics. Corn, potatoes, and wheat/oats are not good either. Good vigorous excise can offset those bad effects, but it will catch up to you.

The "I am still hungry" excuse (it is an excuse) is because items like you listed (aside from the protein) are empty calorie carbs. The sense of being full can be generated by eating good fats. I have a faux Snickers bar recipe (butter and coconut oil) that is 2g of carbs per serving and is immensely filling.

As with any diet impact, YMMV - often due to genetics having a part. My personal experience, I lost 50 pounds going low carb. Despite eggs and sausage every morning and lots of butter in recipes (particularly dessert things), both my good and bad cholesterol number are in the good/great ranges.

Change is hard. Healthy changes are harder. I am willing to share more if you are interested.

I will step away from the pulpit now.

all i will add to that is that fiber is what helps keeping feeling full longer and it helps with losing weight too. the less you eat the more you really want more fiber in your diet to keep things moving along...


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
someone i know has been borderline diabetic for several years and is doing pretty well following the recommendations from the docs. i don't think they're in it for the $ or prescriptions (he's not currently taking any). if he has issues it is because he's always had a drinking issue and i'm pretty sure he'll keep messing up his life (and some of his children too have issues) because of it. :( some people just have a hard time figuring out how to get away from stuff. even after seeing their best friend die from liver failure due to severe alcohol abuse.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 14, 2022
Reaction score
SW, Michigan - Zone 6a
That's so true Flowerbug. My brother is also T2 yet drinks every day, all day since 10am until he can't walk back home at night.
I think that is the kind of T2 I am bordering with. My sister is the T2 that needs insulin. Her body doesn't produce any insulin.

Country homesteader

Super Self-Sufficient
May 10, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 7A (Crewe, Virginia)
Good Morning all my wonderful friends! COFFEE IS HOT and READY!!!!!
Thank You all for the wonderful advice!
Both the doctor and I have told FH to change his eating habits and the his doctor is always asking him how his eating is. I don't know what he tells her seeing how I'm never there when he sees her, always goes straight to an appointment from his work when he doesn't reschedule appointments seeing how work comes first then his health. I tell him all the time that as soon as he dies work will have someone else driving his truck and he needs to take care of himself before work but me just telling him doesn't do any good. His doctor has stressed to him how he needs to cut down on his eating and to eat healthier but for him I think eating/over eating is a crutch/ addiction that he isn't ready to give up yet but when he is ready (probably it will take a hospital visit to get him to realize that AND I REALLY HATE TO THINK LIKE THAT so all I'm doing is stating a fact!!!!) he will need all the support I can give him. We have already cut out ALOT of white starchy products ( white potatoes, white bread, white rice) so that's a start. I have tried the whole wheat noodles/pasta but he says it's too grainy but I only make pasta sides once or twice a month now NOT every day. I don't cook a LOT of deep fried foods anymore but will still cook fried foods in the air fryer and it's mostly grilling these days.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 14, 2022
Reaction score
SW, Michigan - Zone 6a
Good morning everyone! May you all have a blessed day! Thank you for the coffee Country Homesteader! I hear you girl. You can only do so much. Maybe you mostly cook vegetables and a meat. Then again, he might go around grabbing other things. My hub barely had anything during the day but at nights, he was into everything he could find. Before I knew it, I was eating again at nights too. He is not around anymore. So, it is all me and it is hard but I can only make the changes. Do what you can, give the support that you can and prepare for anything.

Hoping the day goes fast. High of 48 is predicted, no showers. Will be all day rolling breakfast burritos to help the ministry that supports a foster house in Haiti. Then at noon, another church lady is going to meet us for lunch since she moved to another church. More likely, I will come home to go straight to bed. Went to bed past midnight and had a difficult night. See you all later.
ETA: picture,lol


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Don’t feel sorry for squirrels! I hit one with my car, Hyundai Accent, and that danged squirrel dragged the plastic piece under the car and that cracked the bumper. $625 to the body shop for new plastic piece and patch and paint bumper. I’m driving a recycled plastic grocery bag. Damn squirrel!

So y’all please please don’t toss your plastic bags, but be good citizens and take them to the recycle box at Walmart. I’ll need a new car again someday. Car manufacturers NEED those bags!

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