Today is sunny and bright. Coffee is ready! Dandelion let me sleep until 6:15 this morning, or maybe she just yelled at me for awhile and it took awhile for me to wake up. She downed 5 ounces! She so cute, she tries to climb in my recliner to get in my lap. Great way to have morning coffee.
Overcast but not the heavy rain predicted -- so far. It was heavy enough during night that it woke me so maybe heavy cells are past. At least 1.5" from that.
Its hit 86 so far today. Hot again tomorrow and then back to the low to mid 60's for the foreseeable future. I was spraying Crossbow on the wild blackberries and being all covered up, I was HOT HOT HOT!!
Good Morning wonderful friends!
Coffee is HOT and READY!!!! Wait what am I doing up so early on a Saturday? Well Savage decided at 2 he had to go potty so I stayed up, started getting FH lunch together seeing how he has to work today and now I have to go finish putting it together before he gets up in 30 minutes. Once FH leaves for work I'm going to take ALL the dogs and go back to bed for a couple hours or so but I want Y'All to still enjoy the coffee and patio. @baymule Sorry for the loss of some your animals, sending hugs . I know and understand it's a part of farm life to lose animals but it's still heart wrenching especially when they were so young.
Ahhhh…..COFFEE! Dandelion started BAA BAA BAA BAA at 4:30 AM. So I’m up, she’s had 4 ounces, a diaper, I’ve got a cup of coffee and she’s cuddled in my lap, asleep. Amazing how she goes from house lamb at night, following me around every step, to outside sheep lamb during the day, following her real mommy, fighting off her 2 bigger brothers for the udder and mommy’s milk. This tiny bit of dandelion fluff doesn’t miss a beat. Her buddy in the house is Carson, a giant Great Dane/Labrador cross, who licks her chin for the dribbled milk.
Power came back on sometime during the night, I think it’s stopped raining. It’s 56F with a high of 67F and going to be cloudy all day. Sunshine tomorrow and Monday.
It stormed again last night, but no hail.