Mini Horses
Sustainability Master
That works! 

yep, us too, it is a beast to drive, we did sell it to the young man who's home we bought, and will be canceling the ins we just bought.
We were going to go look at the mini cows today. But the Tornadoes tore up that area of Kentucky, where they are located. The farmer called my wife saying they were searching for a generator and asked to postpone the visit.@CrealCritter , there is no reason that the cattle your wife is looking at can't go in with the feeder steers. At least until you get ready to do some grain finishing at 60-90 days. Get them all quietly coming in to get a little something to eat. If they are calmer, they will teach the feeder steers to come in, if not, then they will all learn quickly where their food is. And if that smaller yearling heifer is bred, she will need some feed to grow but not too much the last 60 days of pregnancy as that is when the calf does the most growing. She looks a little small to me to be bred. You don't want her to have too big a calf in her to try to deliver.
When i was in Wyoming, we started a "cowboy church" most of us were doing chores while regular church was going..and as winter came, most of the chores move up in time as it gets darker earlier and we all met on Saturday evenings around 8 through was fun. We would take turns "giving the sermon" and then since most of us sing and play an instrument, we would jam on gospel for a while...We were going to go look at the mini cows today. But the Tornadoes tore up that area of Kentucky, where they are located. The farmer called my wife saying they were searching for a generator and asked to postpone the visit.
We could not find a good church, so three husband/wife couples started our own, been about about 6 or 7 weeks ago now. We are currently preparing to send a food trailer to Tennessee. Every little bit counts, even it's free cooked hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries and bottled water. The human body has to eat and drink water.
Jesus is Lord and Christ![]()