City Biddy
modern pioneer is right about the head space. He just beat me to the punch. 
thank you for that. that's info I did not havemodern_pioneer said:The rewards of canning will be much loved in the days of old man winter!!! Having food that you put up, and even grew, is such a self rewarding to present for a meal to your family or friends. Congrats...
Something to mention, no expert here, others may know better than me, but those quart jars that are half way filled should be put in the fridge and used soon, as the head space may allow it to spoil much sooner than you expect. My rule of thumb has always been not to store products that didn't have the correct amount of head space. But see that might just be me, but it is worth looking into.
colowyo0809 said:I'll probably edit this in a bit, but I need to get it off my chest once and for all so I can move on with myself.
Have you ever felt like someone walked up to you and just out of the blue swung their fist directly into your gut? Thats how it felt for me yesterday. I had a friend. And I apparantly did something to lose that friend. I'm not totally sure what I did to offend that friend and coming fully out of the blue, like a light switch being turned off, left me feeling sick and depressed. It's hard for me to make friends, and when I do I tend to make strong friendships and it tends to be quick. And when one of those friends just terminates the friendship, and doesn't even explain why, it just drops my world out. *sigh* i know i'm not explaining this well, and I'm being purposefully vague. But, I need to get past this, and the only way to do it is to think it through and process it, even if the other person won't give me closure. That is ok, because I cannot rely on outside influences for closure, I must rely on myself for that.
So, having said all that
I am honored to have known you for the limited amount of time that I knew you.
I'm sorry for whatever it was I said or did to offend/hurt/anger you.
I will not address you in any way, in any capacity and have already deleted your info from my various areas to make sure I leave you alone.
I will rely on myself to get through this, and I will recognize that no matter what, I am still me, and if I am feeling slightly diminshed I will get through this, and I will get past it. I am strong and I can do it.
thank you for helping me to realize this.
Matthew Ryan
p.s. I'm aware my journal has taken a rather sad bent lately, and after this I will make sure that i focus on more affirmative posts
p.p.s. I do not expect anyone to reply to this and as I said, I will probably edit this in a while
Oooooo! Was it good?colowyo0809 said:We made pear jam again yesterday.
CJ made the first batch and it is slightly more set up than the last batch but not by a whole lot. I made the second batch and it is totally set! Yay!
I also processed and canned some pumpkin so we'll have that to use for stuff.
I had made pumpkin butter the other day, but it grew mold so that is going out the door (apparantly you need to either can or fridge it and not just leave it on the counter)
He also made Mountain Dew Jelly (thanks for the instructions!)
Tomorrow I will make canned potatoes, again thanks for the advice!
lol, i dunno, haven't tried it yet! will have to tomorrow!urban dreamer said:Oooooo! Was it good?colowyo0809 said:We made pear jam again yesterday.
CJ made the first batch and it is slightly more set up than the last batch but not by a whole lot. I made the second batch and it is totally set! Yay!
I also processed and canned some pumpkin so we'll have that to use for stuff.
I had made pumpkin butter the other day, but it grew mold so that is going out the door (apparantly you need to either can or fridge it and not just leave it on the counter)
He also made Mountain Dew Jelly (thanks for the instructions!)
Tomorrow I will make canned potatoes, again thanks for the advice!