Colowyo - grudgingly settling in :P


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Kansas
Yeah, I'm alright. To be honest I decided a couple weeks ago to severly limit my online prescence for a while. Had a bad experience that left me rather on the bitter end of things, so I decided to pull back. So, I deactivated my facebook account, and unsubscribed from every thread on both here and byc except the colorado thread there and my own journal here. Sorry if I had you worried :) I figured the best way for me to get past it was to limit my exposure to certain elements. :hu to be honest it sorta worked. I'm not near as angry about it as I was, so thats a plus.


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Hot Springs, Arkansas
:hugs :hugs :hugs I liked having you around. Hope things are smoothing out. Being cautious online is a good thing. I deactivated facebook ages ago. I avoid using my legal name online, to avoid trouble.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Kansas
Thanks ladies!
Yeah, I don't use my legal name either, makes it that little tiny bit safer. Not totally safe, but safer :)

So, update time.

As far as the parents and the cancer goes, William had his first set of chemo, survived, and has his next set scheduled for the week of thanksgiving. They had two phoneterviews yesterday, one for medisomethingorother and one for Social Security. They know they'll be getting foodstamps, everything else is currently up in the air. However, the fact that he has cancer, is on oxygen and chemo treatments, and has to walk with a walker should count for something , one would hope anyways.

We went to a Poultry Swap in Brighton this past Sunday. When we went to the last one in September we came home with three bunnies and a cage, all of which was sold on craigslist two weeks later. Apparantly somebody likes the cute cuddly animals, but doesn't want the responsibility :rolleyes: But, I knew that was going to happen and that it would be a learning exercise so I'm ok with that. So, before we got out of the car this time we agreed no Bunnies, Geese, Turkies, Ducks, or anything that has four legs. Essentially, we were allowed to get chickens and that was it. We came home with two mystery bantams, one polish that I say is a roo and he says is a pullet because its pretty, and four buff dundotte guinea fowl. Yes, those aren't chickens, but they eat the same thing, will take care of rattlesnakes and mice, and are just as much fun to watch. More actually, as we've watched them fly up to sit on the coop which is ten-twelve feet tall (I don't remember how tall I built it!) and on top of the outdoor closet (also known as leanto, shed, etc). And, apparantly CJ and his brother spent 45 minutes trying to chase them into the coop for the night (guinea fowl do not like to roost in a coop :gig )

Oh, nother update: Ginger, the Mille Fluer Bantam Cochin Mamma hatched out three of the six eggs she was on! Two of the unhatched were never fertile to begin with, go figure, and one died before it could hatch. All three are doing well, mamma is taking good care of them, so yay for that! :woot

Yee Gods its windy out today! It snowed very early monday morning, but by monday night it was all gone again! Sheesh, some start of winter!

We are looking forward to Thanksgiving this year! We are having, as CJ puts it, a "Gay Thanksgiving". We invited another gay couple for thanksgiving, wich will be nice because they like playing card games as much as we do. So, we'll have dinner and then spend the evening playing cards and telling b.s. stories, just like any other gathering of couples do! :) I'm looking forward to it!

Fall cleaning came last this year. We have spent the last several days making a concentrated effort to deep clean and organize. The bookshelves look amazing, as well as rapidly filling up with thrift store finds! The hood thing over the stove looks better than i'm guessing it has in years (and since we only took over the house six months ago thats not fully our fault) and the stove itself is cleaner than I remember seeing it. The living room is organized, the bedroom is free of clutter, and we have a mud space now! Its not really a mudroom, but we have a place to put foot coverings by the back door, and a place to hang body coverings there as well! And a home for the flashlights when we go to check on the chooks! :woot

Aight, thats enough of an update for now, will try to update more regular :)


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
colowyo0809 said:
Fall cleaning came last this year. We have spent the last several days making a concentrated effort to deep clean and organize. The bookshelves look amazing, as well as rapidly filling up with thrift store finds! The hood thing over the stove looks better than i'm guessing it has in years (and since we only took over the house six months ago thats not fully our fault) and the stove itself is cleaner than I remember seeing it. The living room is organized, the bedroom is free of clutter, and we have a mud space now! Its not really a mudroom, but we have a place to put foot coverings by the back door, and a place to hang body coverings there as well! And a home for the flashlights when we go to check on the chooks! :woot
Wanna come to my house for a week or two? I'll teach you all about goats during your brief breaks from cleaning!!! :D

urban dreamer

I wanna farm
Apr 1, 2010
Reaction score
Sherwood, Arkansas
YAY! :D I was worried. I knew I hadn't seen anything so I thought I'd check in. I understand needing to take a break. I'm glad things seem to be going alright and you are ok. :)


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Kansas
freemotion said:
colowyo0809 said:
Fall cleaning came last this year. We have spent the last several days making a concentrated effort to deep clean and organize. The bookshelves look amazing, as well as rapidly filling up with thrift store finds! The hood thing over the stove looks better than i'm guessing it has in years (and since we only took over the house six months ago thats not fully our fault) and the stove itself is cleaner than I remember seeing it. The living room is organized, the bedroom is free of clutter, and we have a mud space now! Its not really a mudroom, but we have a place to put foot coverings by the back door, and a place to hang body coverings there as well! And a home for the flashlights when we go to check on the chooks! :woot
Wanna come to my house for a week or two? I'll teach you all about goats during your brief breaks from cleaning!!! :D
Sure! I don't necessarily like to clean, but I'm ok with it. would love to learn about goats hands on though! :D


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Welcome back. Good to know you are not letting others get to you! Fall cleaning?? Really?? We are supposed to do that too?? Oh my!! Im behind, its almost winter!! :lol: Guess I need to get going here too.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Kansas
Thanksgiving was fun :) We made food, had friends over, played card games and a board game called Farming (i think?) that is kind of like monopoly but it never ends (literally! you choose when it ends!) so that was fun.
This coming Saturday we are attending the 1940's Winter Ball so that should be a blast. We both like to dance so we'll see how that goes :)
CJ got me an awesome christmas gift this year: We are going to Transiberian Orchestra! And we got pretty awesome seats too! :woot :woot :weee :weee

So Ginger is still being a good mama. However, one is gone through no fault of her own. Apparantly it tried drinking out of the wrong waterer and drowned :hide but the other two babies are doing good.

I won 23 button quail eggs from someone on BYC so those are in the brand new incubator along with four chicken eggs and hopefully the quail will hatch next friday :) You can't really candle quail eggs, but you can the chickens and I bought a brand new led flashlight and it really lets you see the eggs, even the blue/green ones! And there's movement! :woot :woot :weee :clap That is so freakin awesome!!:)
I'm going to build the brooder heater this week for the outside brooder and double check to make sure its all weatherized and draft free :D

Update on the folks: Moms new husband has had two rounds of chemo, and as of this past wednesday is in the nursing home. It is supposed to be short term, to give him time to recover and regain his strength, although later this week he is supposed to have his third round of chemo. He wasn't doing anything but sleeping at home, wasn't even eating, and at least now he's eating some, so yay for that! Plus, with him there mom can focus on recovering herself since she goes back to work on monday!

The new birds are integrating well with the flock, including the guineas :) We got several more from someone who just couldn't take care of hers any more (chickens, not guineas :) ) and I had to put together a smaller coop and an enclosed run for them since they are not integrating well. Figure this ought to give everyone time to get used to each other and then let them in with the full flock :)

Not sure what we are doing for christmas, but it should be fun :)

Hope everyone is doing good in December!


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
I missed hearing from you.

We did the in some/out some nursing home thing when my grandma had cancer. It is a very good way for the usual caregiver to reboot and rest. This whole thing is so hard on everybody.

Hey dude I still have your Osage Oranges cooking away on my porch. They are kind of gross looking. According to the directions however, they are supposed to "age" outside and freeze - it makes the seeds easier to germinate. PM me with an address and I will try to get them mailed this week. BAD me, for taking so long.

Our Thanksgiving was good as well. Dad is much stronger now, walking with a walker, and does not seem to hallucinate as often. They have him on meds for the dementia and it seems to be helping. He is still at the nursing home, but my sis is contemplating bringing him home sometime in the not too distant future. Sadly that worries me. I know he will not be eating nearly as nutritionally or often (McD chicken nuggets does not a meal make and they often only eat twice a day at her house) Also, sis still seems to think he is going to be alright at home ALONE! I just can't seem to get her to understand he will need someone there 24/7 to keep an eye out.

Family ... enough to drive you crazy .. even if you didn't already inherit the bad DNA. :p


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Kansas
Yeah, i've been kinda busy, and kinda lazy:) I'll have to take pics of the feeder I made for the chickens, as well as the brooder heater I am going to make and the brooder feeder I'm gonna make for the quail/chicks :) Plus pics of my backwoods coops :rolleyes:

making a new batch of pumpkin butter right now, but CJ will have to finish it. making two varieties, one with honey and one without honey but with crushed orange peel, we'll see how that tastes :D

Sent you a pm with my address. sometime when i've got time i'll have to sit down and catch up on everyone's journals :)

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