Youtube Transiberian House This link is a good one. Someone set their christmas lights to one of the songs by Trans and every year I watch it cause its just soo cool! If you youtube them you'll find a bunch of music videos and such.
They are just so cool because they are kinda edgy christmas without being hard metal rock or anything And they are actually new christmas songs that don't make you want to slit your wrists or drown you in syrup
Glad you got them! Take them out of the bag and sit them out, protected from critters, and let them continue to stew. Then this spring plant them according to the directions. They are a tough tree, so they should grow for you.
I had an osage orange "brain" that I had picked up one time. When it started to rot, I tossed it out the front door into the flower garden. I forget how many trees I got out of it. Maybe I should go and grab some more, see if I can get them to grow, and then sell them.
Yes they are supposed to sort of ferment and rot down. That is what helps the seeds to germinate. There is nothing quite as lovely as a blackened moldy squishy "brain fruit".