winterize the coop
dig a trench around the coop to lay the hardware cloth
put up wanted posts on craigslist and freecycle for leaves for mulch
put a second larger door on the brooder section of the coop
- started, waiting for the stupid hand saw to charge
- Done!!
bring the "babies" out of the brooder and into the rest of the world
- done
clean out the brooder and use that in the new garden area
- done ish, plus took stuff out of the main coop, tossed it all onto the compost heap and sprayed it all with wanter
buy flower bulbs for planting
buy topsoil for the new garden and flower beds
buy straw/hay for mulch
mow the back "yard" so it grows decently come spring
- will offer BIL $10 to do it (lazy SOB)
winterize the trailer
start planning the gardens for 2011
Find someone nearby who has bouron reds I can purchase from them, don't want hatchery, unless i can get hatching eggs from someone
- posted two threads about this on BYC, will see what happens
- got replies, think I have a lead for next spring!
hunker down and start learning more about my spiritual beliefs (whats the point in having beliefs if you don't know anything about them? or practice anything with them?)
- Anyone know anything from personal experience about druidism?
- Thank you dragonlaurel
Find Osage Oranges to get them prepared for planting in the spring
- got replies from FF and Shiloh yay!!
Finish the door to the brooder - DONE!
Get wood chips from Jax, as well as straw/hay - Done on the chips, will get the straw next time
Get off my ass and do stuff!! - Yay!!
Finish the vents, since I already started that
Get going on the winterizing of the coop
Thanks Java! We got a second one last night! and, when I was out this morning I picked up an egg that is twice the size of the bantam cochin ones but its about the same color so either one of the other LF girls are laying, or one of the bantams is pushing out eggs bigger than she needs to!
I got ALL Americaunas this time. I love the blue eggs! And I had 5 Americaunas in the past and the two remaining ones, three years old or so, as still my most reliable layers. It is easy to see that they are the ones, since everyone else lays brown eggs.
we rescued a couple cats a week ago. one of them seems to be severly retarded. she has been talking off and on all week and today she will not shut up!!! even worse, she scared the beejeebers out of me when she started screaming like a human baby!! this stupid cat is possessed!!!
*sigh* ok, rant over, I feel a bit better. still thinking a lobotomy might be the way to go though
I agree some cats are just outright possessed by demons and not normal. I could tell you a story about a friend's demonic cat that might make a person's skin crawl but it wouldn't be suitable for this forum.